ABAP 優化文件【來自網路】加個人體會 - 1


SAP ABAP Performance Tuning
Tips & Tricks
Performance Analysis Tools

Use of selection criteria:查詢資料加入限定條件,不要取不必要的東西--&gt能少則少

Instead of selecting all the data and doing the processing during the selection, it is advisable to restrict the data to the selection criteria itself, rather than filtering it out using the ABAP code. 

Not recommended

            Select * from zflight.

             Check : zflight-airln = ‘LF’ and zflight-fligh = ‘BW222’.



            Select * from zflight where airln = ‘LF’ and fligh = ‘222’.


One more point to be noted here is of the select *. Often this is a lazy coding practice. When a programmer gives select * even if one or two fields are to be selected, this can significantly slow the program and put unnecessary load on the entire system. When the application server sends this request to the database server, and the database server has to pass on the entire structure for each row back to the application server. This consumes both CPU and networking resources, especially for large structures.

Thus it is advisable to select only those fields that are needed, so that the database server passes only a small amount of data back.

Also it is advisable to avoid selecting the data fields into local variables as this also puts unnecessary load on the server. Instead attempt must be made to select the fields into an internal table.



Use of aggregate functions:取一批資料過來,如果本身有一些集合動作可以放到資料庫中做:要用集運算,則用集運算

Use the already provided aggregate functions, instead of finding out the minimum/maximum values using ABAP code.

Not recommended

            Maxnu = 0.

            Select * from zflight where airln = ‘LF’ and cntry = ‘IN’.

             Check zflight-fligh > maxnu.

             Maxnu = zflight-fligh.




            Select max( fligh ) from zflight into maxnu where airln = ‘LF’ and cntry = ‘IN’.

The other aggregate functions that can be used are min (to find the minimum value), avg (to find the average of a Data interval), sum (to add up a data interval) and count (counting the lines in a data selection).




Use of Views instead of base tables:如果有幾個表關聯,那麼就乾脆建各View吧

Many times ABAP programmers deal with base tables and nested selects. Instead it is always advisable to see whether there is any view provided by SAP on those base tables, so that the data can be filtered out directly, rather than specially coding for it.

Not recommended

            Select * from zcntry where cntry like ‘IN%’.

             Select single * from zflight where cntry = zcntry-cntry and airln = ‘LF’.




            Select * from zcnfl where cntry like ‘IN%’ and airln = ‘LF’.



Use of the into table clause of select statement:將資料一次取到表中,減少資料庫訪問次數

Instead of appending one record at a time into an internal table, it is advisable to select all the records in a single shot.

 Not recommended

            Refresh: int_fligh.

            Select * from zflight into int_fligh.

             Append int_fligh. Clear int_fligh.




            Refresh: int_fligh.

            Select * from zflight into table int_fligh.



來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/554557/viewspace-470534/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
