【一分鐘經驗】WAD中的Text Element屬性


  有時候我們需要在使用WAD時,將當前的一些基本資訊顯示出來,這時候會用到Text Elements這個控制元件,但是讓我們比較苦惱的是控制元件提供的值太多,我們要的太少,那麼如何控制顯示的值列表呢?

屬性->Web Item -> Specific ->List of Text Elements 就可以設定要顯示的值列表了。


General Text Symbol ,Filter Value, Variable Vaule,Variable Value as key

我們一般是用General Text Symbol,這裡比較麻煩的就是要清楚的知道顯示的值和系統內的程式碼的對應關係。

·        general text elements:

-         technical name of the query (REPTNAME)

-         description of the query (REPTXTLG)

-         InfoProvider (INFOCUBE)

-         key date for the query (SRDATE)

-         validity of the data (date and time) (ROLLUPTIME)

-         the person who wrote the query (AUTHOR)

-         the last time the query was changed (date and time) (MODTIME)

-         the last person to make changes to the query (MODUSER)

-         current user (SYUSER)

-         the last time the query was refreshed (date and time) (SYUZEIT)


來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/554557/viewspace-612173/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
