User defined table type and table valued parameters

*********************How to use user defined table type and table valued parameters?********************
In Sql Server 2008 you can pass a table variable in a stored procedure as a parameter. now you have the ability
to send multiple rows of data in a stored main advantage of that is that it will reduce the amount
of round trips to the server.
we are going to walk through the following example that explains in sql server 2008. we can create a sample
【For example】
1. Create database sqlserver2008sample
    Let’s create a table- a customers table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Customers](
 [Cust_ID] [int] NOT NULL,
 [Cust_Name] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
 [Cust_Surname] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
 [Cust_Email] [varchar](50) NOT NULL
2. We must insert some values in the table. We can do that by using a stored procedure
create procedure insertintocustomer(
 @Cust_ID int,
 @Cust_Name varchar(50),
 @Cust_Surname varchar(50),
 @Cust_Email varchar(50))
insert into customers
3. In order to insert values in the table we must execute that stored procedure multiple times. for example
execute insertintocustomer 1,‘robbie’,‘fowler’,‘’
execute insertintocustomer 2,‘michael’,‘owen’,‘’
4. Now lets do the same by inserting table value parameters.
First we create a user defined table data type.
create type customertype as table

 Cust_ID int,
 Cust_Name varchar(50),
 Cust_Surname varchar(50),
 Cust_Email varchar(50)
5. Then we create the new stored procedure that takes the table type as a parameter.
create procedure newcustomer(@Customer_details customertype READONLY)
insert into customers
select * from @Customer_details
6. Lets create a variable of table data type. Now we can execute the stored procedure by passing the table
value parameter- @customers
declare @customers customertype
--lets fill the table variable by using insert statements
insert into @customers values (1,’steven’,‘gerrard’,’’)
insert into @customers values (2,‘jamie’,‘caragher’,‘’)
--Now we can execute the stored procedure by passing the table value parameter- @customers
execute newcustomer @Customers
8. If we now try a select statement in the customers table we will see the new values added.
    Hope it helps.


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