
在使用Godday的空間的時候,他就提供了一個將應用從Linux轉移到Windows環境的選項(這個轉移還被我們用來作為避免被GW封殺的手段),其實是不知道Godday是如何實現PHP應用無縫在這兩個系統之間切換的,今天看到一篇文章介紹Helicon Ape,可以實現將我們的應用從Linux下轉移到Windows中,並且提供了模擬Apache配置的環境,這樣我們完全可以保留在Linux下開發PHP的習慣而將應用轉移到Windows中。

下面是Helicon Ape的一些特性:

    * Users can move their Apache web sites to IIS without modifications;
    * Current PHP and other Unix oriented web applications can be easily configured for IIS;
    * Flexible user permissions control (as they implemented in Apache world);
    * Powerful URL rewriting compatible with Apache does not require rule redesign;
    * Reverse and forward proxy features available for a web server;
    * Low level controls over web site behavior open extended abilities for optimization, security and performance;
    * Comprehensive protection from site attacks;
    * Flexible compression and cache functions to speed up a server;
    * All-round HTTP-level web developer toolset.

1、<a href=`http://www.helicontech.com/ape/`>Helicon Ape</a>
2、<a href=`http://hosting.phpmagazine.net/2009/09/helicon-ape-and-isapi-rewrite.html`>Helicon Ape Introduction</a>
