ORA - 1461 encountered when generating server alert SMG-3500

ORA - 1461 encountered when generating server alert SMG-3500

METALINK中,說是Oracle的一個bug。 METALINK, said Oracle is a bug.

造成這個問題的原因SMON程式在更新SMON_SCN_TIME表時,引發了ORA-1461錯誤。 The reason for this update process Beginning SMON_SCN_TIME table, ORA - 1461 triggered a mistake.

如果設定了EVENT:1461 TRACE NAME ERRORSTACK LEVEL 10,從後臺SMON程式日誌中可以看到下面的資訊: If the installation of EVENT: 1461 TRACE NAME ERRORSTACK LEVEL 10, switched from the background process can log in to see the following information:

ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column ORA - 01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column

Current SQL statement for this session: Current SQL statement for this session:

update smon_scn_time set orig_thread=0, time_mp=:1, time_dp=:2, scn=:3, Update smon_scn_time set orig_thread = 0, time_mp =: 1, time_dp =: 2, scn =: 3,

scn_wrp=:4, scn_bas=:5, num_mappings=:6, tim_scn_map=:7 where thread=0 and Scn_wrp =: 4, scn_bas =: 5, num_mappings =: 6, tim_scn_map =: 7 = 0 and where thread

scn = (select min(scn) from smon_scn_time where thread=0) Scn = (select min (scn) from smon_scn_time where thread = 0)

根據METALINK上的搜尋結果,這個bug在多個平臺上都可能出現,目前發現受影響的版本都是10.2.0.3。 METALINK based on the search results, this bug on multiple platforms are likely to happen now that all the affected version

Oracle並沒有給出解決方法,這個問題在什麼版本會修正也沒有提到。 Oracle did not give a solution to this problem in what will be amended version also not mentioned. 好在問題對系統的影響不大。 Fortunately, the issue little impact on the system.

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/7364032/viewspace-17475/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
