ERROR 1193: Unknown system variable 'log_slow_queries'

[25 Oct 2007 12:02] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:

ChangeSet@1.2547, 2007-10-25 14:02:27+04:00, kaa@polly.(none) +6 -0
  Fix for bug #29131: SHOW VARIABLES reports variable 'log' but SET
  doesn't recognize it
  This is a 5.0 version of the patch, it will be null-merged to 5.1
  'log' and 'log_slow_queries' were "fixed" variables, i.e. they showed up
  in SHOW VARIABLES, but could not be used in expressions like 
  "select @@log". Also, using them in the SET statement produced an 
  incorrect "unknown system variable" error.
  Make 'log' and 'log_slow_queries' read-only dynamic variables to make 
  them available for use in expressions, and produce a correct error 
  about the variable being read-only when used in the SET statement.

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