【eygle】10g OCR工具ocrcheck ocrconfig ocrdump
在Oracle10g 的RAC環境中,有幾個工具可以用於進行OCR管理,這其中主要的幾個是:ocrcheck ,ocrdump, ocrconfig
[oracle@smsdbrac1 oracle]$ ocrcheck -help
ocrcheck - Displays health of Oracle Cluster Registry.Synopsis:
prompt> ocrcheck
Displays current usage, location and health of the cluster registryNotes:
A log file will be created in
$ORACLE_HOME/log//client/ocrcheck_.log. Please ensure
you have file creation privileges in the above directory before
running this tool.[oracle@smsdbrac1 oracle]$ ocrcheck
Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :
Version : 2
Total space (kbytes) : 256788
Used space (kbytes) : 4608
Available space (kbytes) : 252180
ID : 2070899579
Device/File Name : /dev/raw/raw1
Device/File integrity check succeededDevice/File not configured
Cluster registry integrity check succeeded
ocrconfig -showbackup 命令可以用於檢視Oracle對OCR進行的自動備份:
[oracle@smsdbrac2 ~]$ ocrconfig -showbackupsmsdbrac1 2008/06/05 07:58:23 /opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs10g/cdata/crs
smsdbrac1 2008/06/05 03:58:22 /opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs10g/cdata/crs
smsdbrac1 2008/06/04 23:58:22 /opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs10g/cdata/crs
smsdbrac1 2008/06/04 07:58:10 /opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs10g/cdata/crs
smsdbrac1 2008/05/28 03:56:44 /opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs10g/cdata/crs
ocrdump /tmp/`hostname`_ocrdump_`date +%m%d%y:%H%M`
ocrdump -stdout -keyname SYSTEM.css
ocrdump -stdout -keyname SYSTEM.css -xml
-The End-
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- 10g OCR工具ocrcheck ocrconfig ocrdump
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- Eygle的網站網站
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