Oracle DataGuard Standby database ID mismatch錯誤
Oracle 9208 DataGuard日誌應用正常,但是在standby alter log檔案里老是提示下面錯誤:
RFS: Possible network disconnect with primary database
standby database ID mismatch [0x99bb1983:0x8d17262b]
Symptoms Standby alert log reports "RFS: Possible network disconnect with primary database" At the standby DB side I get this error every minute. Archive log transfer/apply works O.K. Cause The (error) message may be triggered by another database that has log_archive_dest_2 pointing to standby instance of (error) message . RFS process tries to communicate with the instance. Solution Check if you have DB with mismatched ID and its log_archive_dest_X parameter value. From the error message of "Standby database ID mismatch [0xAAAA:0xBBBBB]" Convert the hex number of first argument, 0xAAAA to decimal value using calculator Then search db with the dbid.
RFS: Possible network disconnect with primary database
Standby database ID mismatch [0xAAAA:0xBBBBB]
If found one but not in primary/standby config, disable log_archive_dest_2 to the instance, ie
SQL> select dbid from v$database;
SQL> alter system set log_archive_dest_2_state=defer;
按照上述說明,果然在primary database所在主機上,找到了另外一個例項,其引數log_archive_dest_2的設定也是:
log_archive_dest_2 string SERVICE=standby
說明: 指定相應的歸檔日誌目標引數 (僅 LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_3) 的可用性狀態。如果啟用,
日誌目標將被歸檔。如果延遲, 該目標將被排除在歸檔操作之外直至重新啟用。
)來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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