DataGuard on Oracle 11g初步介紹(3)


primary and standby不一定在同一個區域網上,可以分開的,可能會在一個廣域網中,那麼primary和standby之間的redo data傳輸因為網路問題難免會有丟失問題.

1.A bussiness cannot afford to lose data regardless of the circumstances.

2.The availability of the database may be more important than any potential data loss in the unlikely event of a multiple failure.

3.Performance is the maximum requirement and can therefore tolerate a small amount of data loss.

1.Maximum availability
這是最高階別的資料保護模式,除非主/備庫都壞掉了,資料是不會丟失的,Transactions DO NOT commit until  all redo data needed to recover those transactions has been written to the online redo log and to AT LEAST one standby database.如果發現primary可能因為網路或其他原因不能把可以recover transaction的redo data傳輸到最少一個standby database的時候,他會effectively切換到maximum performance的安全保護模式下面,那麼直到,可以傳輸到至少一個standby database,才會切換回來.

2.Maximum performance(預設模式)
This is the default protection mode,it provides the highest  level of data protection that is possible without affecting the performance of a primary database.
只要事務日誌寫到online redo log file,但是redo data是以非同步(Asyn)方式傳輸到standby database.因此使用者的transactions是可以提交的,即使網路有問題,primary可能臨時不能把所產生的redo log傳到standby那邊(過會兒再傳),transactions也是可以提交的,注意這個和maximum availability的模式有些不同.

3.Maximum protection
和Maximum availability差不多,只不過出於某些原因,比如network,primary database不能將redo data傳輸到standby database,那麼to ensure that data loss cannot occur ,the primary database will shutdown,rather than continue processing transactions.所以在這種情況下和maximum availability切換到maximum performance下的方式完全不同.

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