| 2013-09-03 22:10
網路的流行很大一部分要歸功於Vinton Cerf和Robert Kahn這對老搭檔。他們在70年代設計的TCP/IP協議奠定了網路的基石,也因此獲得計算機界的最高榮譽——圖靈獎。其實TCP/IP專案還不是這兩位網際網路之父的第一次合作。在此之前他們一起參與了阿帕網的開發。阿帕網是現代網路的前身。當時誰也沒有想到,不久之後他們就會設計一套全新的協議來取代自己設計的阿帕網。
現在人們說到TCP/IP時,指的已經不只是TCP和IP兩個協議,而是包括了Application Layer、Transport Layer、Internet Layer和Network Access Layer的四層模型。TCP處於Transport Layer,而IP處於Internet Layer。鮮為人知的是,剛開始這兩個協議並沒有分層,而是結合在一起。電腦科學家Jon Postel當年對此批評說:
We are screwing up in our design of internet protocols by violating the principle of layering. Specifically we are trying to use TCP to do two things: serve as a host level end to end protocol, and to serve as an internet packaging and routing protocol. These two things should be provided in a layered and modular way. I suggest that a new distinct internetwork protocol is needed, and that TCP be used strictly as a host level end to end protocol.
-- Jon Postel, IEN 2, 1977
這個建議一年後被採納了,第三版的協議決定把TCP和IP分離開來,並且延續至今。Jon的另一個身份是Vinton的高中同學。他在1998年去世時,Vinton為他寫了一篇感人至深的訃告,並且作為RFC 2468釋出。這對一位科學家來說也許是最有意義的紀念方式。我們今天還可以透過http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2468訪問到它。
TCP/IP的設計堪稱完美。三十年來底層的頻寬、延時、還有介質都發生了翻天覆地的變化,頂層也多了很多應用,但TCP/IP卻安如泰山。它不但戰勝了國際標準化組織的OSI 七層模型,而且目前還看不到被其他方案取代的可能。第一代從事TCP/IP工作的工程師,到了退休年齡也在做著朝陽產業。
令人費解的是,現在的大學課程還在介紹早已淘汰的OSI七層模型。它和TCP/IP模型的對應關係如左圖所示。因為層數太多,很多學生根本理解不了,甚至連排序都不會。老師就用“All People Seem To Need Data Processing”來幫助記憶,因為這七個單詞的首字母和OSI模型每一層的首字母是一樣的。大學的應試教育由此可見一斑。更奇怪的是學生們走出校園後,會發現這個笨重的七層模型早已不復存在。雖然它得到過官方的大力支援,但是市場明顯更青睞輕盈的TCP/IP四層模型。
按理說OSI是權威組織,七層模型應該是科學的。為什麼反而會不受歡迎呢?普度大學的特聘教授Douglas Comer在他的文章裡這樣說過:
Layer |
Dwarf |
Name |
Explanations |
1 |
Sleepy |
Physical |
The group new that physical connections are boring, and figured it might as well assign the physical layer to dwarf ``Sleepy''. As it happens, a Layer 1 protocol specification does indeed put everyone to sleep (just try reading one late at night). |
2 |
Sneezy |
Link |
If you monitor a network and watch the pattern of packets emitted by a computer, you'll immediately understand the relationship between link-layer protocols and ``Sneezy''. |
3 |
Happy |
Network |
Everyone's happy with the network layer. Well... to be honest, the only network layer protocol that makes everyone's happy is the Internet Protocol. Unfortunately, the Internet protocol isn't part of OSI, and wasn't really built to follow the OSI model (the model didn't include internetworking). But, the designers had good intentions. |
4 |
Doc |
Transport |
This one's obvious -- it definitely takes a Ph.D. to understand the subtleties of a transport layer protocol. |
5 |
Dopey |
Session |
Yep, even the designers realized that having a separate session layer is a dopey idea. They decided to follow Disney's approach of adding comic relief, so they stuck in a completely unnecessary layer and laughed about it. |
6 |
Bashful |
Presentation |
Another little joke. The designers realized that sooner or later someone would create a presentation layer protocol. However, the group decided to classify such protocols as too ``bashful'' to appear in public. So, even if a presentation protocol is produced, no one gets to see it. |
7 |
Grumpy |
Application |
Programmers who design network applications are incredibly grumpy -- they complain about the efficiency of other layers, the fundamental abstractions of the network, the long hours, the difficulty of debugging, and the API they are forced to use. And users add to the grumpiness because users never complain about protocols at other layers; they only complain about applications. |
Douglas是網路界德高望重的前輩。他回到普度大學之前曾是Cisco的Vice President of Research,同時更是久負盛名的技術作家,所以我願意相信他的說法。而業界普遍對待OSI模型的牴觸態度,更是一個有力的佐證。幸好到了今天,OSI模型已經名存實亡了,它對人類的影響只停留在還沒來得及更新的教科書上。
via https://community.emc.com/thread/179437
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