Android Studio Gradle編譯報input jar file is specified twice
Eclipse專案中的混淆配置檔案 複製到AS中 在混淆的過程中提示如下錯誤
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:proguardDemoRelease'.
> The same input jar [D:\Users\workspace_studio\Test5\app\libs\fastjson.jar] is specified twice.
刪除 -libraryjars libs/***.jar
from your file.
dependencies { compile fileTree(include: '*.jar', dir: 'libs')
裡面已經新增過jar包,混淆檔案proguard-rules.pro裡面又加了句-libraryjars libs/***.jar,將-libraryjars libs/***.jar 前面用#號註釋或者直接刪掉即可。
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