- [main]
- cachedir=/var/cache/yum/$basearch/$releasever
- keepcache=0
- debuglevel=2
- logfile=/var/log/yum.log
- exactarch=1
- retries=6
- obsoletes=1
- gpgcheck=0
- plugins=1
- installonly_limit=5
- bugtracker_url=
- p?category=yum
- distroverpkg=centos-release
- # This is the default, if you make this bigger yum won't see if the metadata
- # is newer on the remote and so you'll "gain" the bandwidth of not having to
- # download the new metadata and "pay" for it by yum not having correct
- # information.
- # It is esp. important, to have correct metadata, for distributions like
- # Fedora which don't keep old packages around. If you don't like this checking
- # interupting your command line usage, it's much better to have something
- # manually check the metadata once an hour (yum-updatesd will do this).
- # metadata_expire=90m
- # PUT YOUR REPOS HERE OR IN separate files named file.repo
- # in /etc/yum.repos.d
- # CentOS-Base.repo
- #
- # The mirror system uses the connecting IP address of the client and the
- # update status of each mirror to pick mirrors that are updated to and
- # geographically close to the client. You should use this for CentOS updates
- # unless you are manually picking other mirrors.
- #
- # If the mirrorlist= does not work for you, as a fall back you can try the
- # remarked out baseurl= line instead.
- #
- #
- [base]
- name=CentOS-$releasever - Base - 163.com
- baseurl=
- #mirrorlist=
- gpgcheck=1
- gpgkey=
- #released updates
- [updates]
- name=CentOS-$releasever - Updates - 163.com
- baseurl=
- #mirrorlist=
- gpgcheck=1
- gpgkey=
- #additional packages that may be useful
- [extras]
- name=CentOS-$releasever - Extras - 163.com
- baseurl=
- #mirrorlist=
- gpgcheck=1
- gpgkey=
- #additional packages that extend functionality of existing packages
- [centosplus]
- name=CentOS-$releasever - Plus - 163.com
- baseurl=
- #mirrorlist=
- gpgcheck=1
- enabled=0
- gpgkey=
- #contrib - packages by Centos Users
- [contrib]
- name=CentOS-$releasever - Contrib - 163.com
- baseurl=
- #mirrorlist=
- gpgcheck=1
- enabled=0
- gpgkey=
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