Not-null property references a transient value - transient instance must be saved before current ope
org.hibernate.TransientPropertyValueException: Not-null property references a transient value - transient instance must be saved before current operation: S043.entity.OrderitemEntity.order -> S043.entity.OrderrEntity
<id name="bid" type="java.lang.Integer">
<column name="bid"/>
<generator class="native"/>
- org.hibernate.TransientObjectException: object references an unsaved transient instance - save the tObjectException
- java transient簡介Java
- [java]transient關鍵字Java
- transient和synchronized的使用synchronized
- Java——transient and 序列化Java
- java transient關鍵字Java
- 在 Java 中如何使用 transientJava
- Property visible must be accessed with $ or _ are not proxied in the Vue instance to prevent錯誤Vue
- malformed database schema (is_transient) - near "where"ORMDatabase
- Java transient 的作用及使用方法Java
- Java中transient關鍵字的作用Java
- Java transient關鍵字使用總結Java
- 被遺忘的Java關鍵字:transientJava
- ORA-29278: SMTP transient error: 421 Service not availableErrorAI
- Java 中的 transient 關鍵字和物件序列化Java物件
- 分析及格式化trace檔案 - TKPROF (Transient Kernel Profiler)
- Property [title] does not exist on this collection instance
- asmcmd: command disallowed by current instance typeASM
- 18_三種服務的生命週期:Singleton、Scoped 和 Transient
- QWidget: Must construct a QApplication before a QPaintDeviceStructAPPAIdev
- Property "visible" must be accessed with "$data.visible"
- 終於弄明白了 Singleton,Transient,Scoped 的作用域是如何實現的
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- Run-Time Check Failure #0 - The value of ESP was not properly saved across a function call.AIROSFunction
- How to update BOL entity property value via ABAP code
- Qt QWidget Must construct a QApplication before a QWidgetQTStructAPP
- Java中syncrhoized ,reentrantLock ,Atomic ,Lock ,ThreadLocal ,transient ,volatile,物件鎖和類鎖JavaZedReentrantLockthread物件
- before install octave package you must be install gcc-fortranPackageGC
- Java物件表示方式1:序列化、反序列化和transient關鍵字的作用Java物件
- Property "visible" must be accessed with "$data.visible" because properties
- 9 must-knows before implementing SAP Simple Finance.NaN
- Warning: ORA-16714: the value of property ArchiveLagTarget is inconsistentHive
- 關於"asmcmd: command disallowed by current instance type"問題解決ASM
- RuntimeError: An attempt has been made to start a new process before the current process hasError
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection中的Transient依賴注入關係,使用不當會造成記憶體洩漏ROS依賴注入記憶體
- 面試官:transient關鍵字修飾的變數當真不可序列化?我:煩請先生教我!面試變數
- Oracle General ReferencesOracle
- MySQL:You must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.MySql