

Google在2013年Google I/O 開發者大會上推出了跨平臺的聊天應用 Hangouts,產品名稱沿襲了Google+視訊聊天功能的名字(Hangouts),新應用整合了包括Google Talk以及原有的視訊聊天服務在內的產品等功能,支援文字、圖片和視訊聊天等,主打群聊(據說目前最多支援 10 人)。目前Hangouts iOS 版只有在美國應用商店有下載。

Google Hangouts

不過根據國外開發者 moobirubi 在 HN 上提交的資訊,Hangouts 不支援XMPP。moobirubi 還貼出了Google App Engine 團隊的答覆。GAE 的答覆中也提供了有兩種方法,可以讓開發者的 App Engine XMPP 服務繼續支援終端使用者。

“Hello from Google!

You are the administrator for one or more Google App Engine applications that may be impacted by an upcoming new product release. Google will be releasing a new communications product called Hangouts which users may choose to use instead of Google Talk. The new service does not support XMPP (新服務不支援 XMPP).

As a result XMPP bots such as the App Engine XMPP service will not be able to communicate with users who adopt the new service. There are two ways to keep your App Engine XMPP service working for end users:

1) Your users may use any chat client that supports XMPP. XMPP clients will continue to work as usual with the App Engine XMPP service.

2) End users will be asked to opt-into the new service when it goes live. Note that the go-live date may vary for Google Apps domains. End users and google app domain administrators may choose not to opt into the new system. If they do not opt in they will remain on the current Talk client and there will be no change to their existing functionality, including being able to exchange messages with App Engine XMPP bots. Users who already opted in may toggle back to the old XMPP based chat clients in Gmail.

Note that the changes discussed above have no impact on non-Google XMPP clients, which will continue to work as usual with the App Engine XMPP service.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to email us at


The Google App Engine Team”




