DB2 backup與resotre,rollforward
db2 "backup db zzdb1 online to /home/db2inst1/backup compress include logs"
db2 "drop table t1"
db2 "create table t1 (id int , c2 varchar(200)) "
db2 "
declare i int default 0;
while (i<105000) do
insert into t1 values(i, 'aaaaaaaddddddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbffffffffffffffffffbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccfffffffffffffffffffccccccccccccccc'||char(i) );
set i=i+1;
end while;
--提取 恢復歷史檔案
db2 "restore db zzdb1 from /home/db2inst1/backup taken at 20140829184600
on /home/db2inst2
replace history file
db2 list backup all for zzdb1
db2 "restore db zzdb1 from /home/db2inst1/backup taken at 20140829184229
on /home/db2inst2 logtarget /home/db2inst2/log
redirect generate script /home/db2inst2/redirect.ddl
--前滾 redirect.ddl 這個檔案需要修改
db2 -tvf /home/db2inst2/redirect.ddl 184517 184619
db2 "restore db testdb logs from /home/db2inst1/backup taken at 20140829184229
logtarget /home/db2inst2/log
db2 "rollforward db zzdb1 to end of logs and stop overflow log path ('/home/db2inst2/log')"
db2 "rollforward db zzdb1 to 2014-08- using local time and stop overflow log path ('/home/db2inst2/log')"
db2 "rollforward db zzdb1 stop overflow log path ('/home/db2inst2/log')"
增大 UTIL_HEAP_SZ 配置引數來分配更多記憶體,在最大程度上減少完成備份、恢復和復原操作所需的時間。
在備份恢復期間應監控 UTIL_HEAP_SZ記憶體的使用情況,
db2 get snapshot for database on mydb
1)WITH num_buffers BUFFERS
3)BUFFER buffer-size
db2 get dbm cfg | find /i "BUFSZ"
備份緩衝區預設大小(4KB) (BACKBUFSZ) = 1024
復原緩衝區預設大小(4KB) (RESTBUFSZ) = 1024
將 blk_log_dsk_ful 設定為 yes 會導致 DB2 資料庫系統遇到“日誌磁碟已滿”錯誤時應用程式掛起,從而允許您解決該錯誤並允許事務完成。可透過增加檔案系統容量或除去同一檔案系統上大量檔案來解決日誌磁碟已滿情況。
db2 "create table t1 (c1 varchar(20), c2 varchar(20))"
db2 "
atomic declare i int default 0;
while (i<100000) do insert into t1 values('aaaaaaaaa' || char(i),'bbbbbb'||char(i) );
set i=i+1;
end while;
db2 get snapshot for database on testdb
db2 force applications all
db2 "force application (agent_id)"
db2 update db cfg for testdb using logarchmeth1 disk:/data/archivelog
db2 get db cfg for testdb | grep -i log
--不進行日誌記錄 +c 關閉自動提交
db2 +c "alter table t1 activate not logged initially"
db2 +c "delete from t1"
db2 +c "commit"
db2 list history archive log all for testdb
db2 "restore db testdb logs from /data/backup/testdb taken at 20131220191008
logtarget /data/backup/log
db2 "restore db sample logs load /opt/simpana/Base64/libDb2Sbt.so taken at 20131220191008
LOGTARGET /db2log without prompting
db2 list history backup all for testdb
db2 list history backup since 20131213010101 for testdb
db2 "select timestamp(start_time) as starttime, end_time,char(firstlog,15) as firstlog ,char(lastlog,15) as lastlog ,seqnum, char(location,30) as location
from sysibmadm.db_history
where operation='B' and sqlcode is null
db2 "select OPERATION,
char(FIRSTLOG,20) firstlog,
char(LASTLOG,20) lastlog,
from sysibmadm.db_history
db2pd -logs -db testdb
db2 backup db testdb online to /db2data2/backup1 compress include logs
--離線壓縮全備份 預設offline
db2 backup db testdb to /db2data2/backup1 compress
db2dart testdb /CHST /WHAT DBBP OFF
db2 rollforward db testdb query status
db2bm 表空間與緩衝池之間的傳輸程式
db2med 緩衝池與儲存介質之間的傳輸程式
--In order to use the incremental backup functionality, database has to be enabled for it.
This is done by turning the TRACKMOD database configuration parameter on.
When TRACKMOD is turned on, database keeps track of table spaces that have been modified.
When an incremental backup command is issued, it will skip the table spaces that have not been modified since last backup.
connect to ds2;
update db cfg using trackmod on deferred ;
connect reset;
增量備份 必須開啟引數 TRACKMOD
1)incremental delta 差異增量,備份從上一次差異備份後的變化,備份量小。恢復時需要各個差異增量備份和全備份才可恢復。
2)incremental 累積增量,從上一次全備份後的變化,備份量大。只取一個增量備份和全備份即可恢復。
db2 "backup database ds2 tablespace ( ordertbs, tbs_data2 ) online incremental delta
to /home/db2inst1/backups exclude logs without prompting "
db2 "restore db testdb tablespace ( ordertbs ) online incremental automatic
from /home/db2inst1/backups taken at without prompting
db2 "rollforward db testdb to end of logs and complete tablespace ( ordertbs ) online "
"db2ckrst" utility is available to see what backup images will be applied, prior to actually running the automatic restore.
db2ckrst -d DS2 -t -r tablespace ordertbs
--The check backup command (db2ckbkp) can be used to test the integrity of a backup image and to determine whether or not the image can be restored.
db2ckbkp DS2.3.db2inst1.DBPART000..001
--It can also be used to display the metadata stored in the backup header.
db2ckbkp -h DS2.3.db2inst1.DBPART000..001
db2adutl verify db
db2 "rollforward db testdb to 2013-12- using local time overflow log path ('/data/backup/testdb/bak')"
db2 "rollforward db testdb stop overflow log path ('/data/backup/testdb/bak') "
SQL1275N: The stoptime passed to roll-forward must be greater than or equal to "備份結束的時間點"
SQL4970N:Roll-forward recovery on database cannot reach the specified stop point. 前滾只能到最後一個日記記錄的時間。
SQL1266N:前滾只能往後不能往前,假設 t1 < t2 ,rollforward 到 t2 後,不能再 rollforward 到 t1
出現SQL1266N後,只能 db2 rollforward db testdb stop
資料庫目錄和自動儲存路徑都儲存在 on 指定的目錄
線上備份,恢復時指定 logtarget 將介質中的檔案抽取,前滾時指定 overflow log path 選項進行日誌的前滾:
db2 restore db sample from /data taken at 20101215010203 on /home/db2recover logtarget /data2/log
db2 "rollforward db sample to end of logs overflow log path ('/data/log') "
db2 "rollforward db sample stop overflow log path ('/data2/log') "
db2 "restore db testdb taken at 20131020000447 on /data/i2_testdb
redirect generate script /data/redirect.ddl
db2 -tvf /data/redirect.ddl 需要修改指令碼
db2 "rollforward db testdb to end of logs and stop "
db2 update db cfg for testdb using MIRRORLOGPATH default
db2 "restore db testdb taken at 20131020000447 on /data/i2_testdb logtarget /data/i2_testdb/log
redirect generate script /data/i2_testdb/redirect.ddl
db2 -tvf /data/i2_testdb/redirect.ddl 需要修改指令碼
db2 "rollforward db testdb to end of logs and stop overflow log path ('/data/i2_testdb/log') "
db2 "rollforward db testdb stop overflow log path ('/data/i2_testdb/log') "
db2 get db cfg | grep -i softmax
db2 get db cfg | grep -i chngpgs_thresh
db2 "alter tablespace tbs_data2 dropped table recovery on "
db2 "create table t2 (id int , name char(20))"
db2 "insert into t2 values(10,'zhang')"
db2 backup db testdb online to /data/backup/testdb include logs
db2 drop table t2
db2 list history dropped table all for testdb
db2 "restore db testdb from /data/backup/testdb tablespace(tbs_data2) taken at 20131023105651"
db2 "rollforward database testdb to end of logs tablespace(tbs_data2) recover dropped table
000000000500e1ec00070004 to /data/backup/test_d.txt
--表空間是否 "已drop表的恢復功能"
db2 "select char(tbspace,20) "Tablespace" , DROP_RECOVERY from syscat.tablespaces order by 1"
-- 使用全備份和增量備份恢復資料庫
db2 restore db testdb from /data/backup/testdb taken at 20131201202020
db2 restore db testdb incremental automatic from /data/backup/testdb taken at 20131203202020
automatic 無論多少個累積增量或delta增量,DB2會自動檢索恢復順序並自動恢復資料庫
db2 rollforward db testdb to end of logs and complete
db2ckrst 檢測要恢復的增量備份映象的時間戳
db2ckrst -d testdb -t 20140901135602
db2 prune history 20130101
db2 "prune logfile prior to S0000600.LOG"
db2 list utilities show detail
db2cfexp inst.out backup
db2cfimp 匯入
$ db2 rollforward db test to 2008-03-01 and stop
SQL1275N The stoptime passed to roll-forward must be greater than or equal to
"2008-03-04- UTC", because database "TEST" on node(s) "0,1"
contains information later than the specified time.
$ db2 rollforward db testdb to 2008-03-04- and stop
DB20000I The ROLLFORWARD command completed successfully.
以上例子表明,在前滾期間,如果命令中指定的時間點(PIT)過早,那麼會收到錯誤訊息(SQL1275N)。該錯誤訊息 告訴您正確的 PIT。
可以考慮使用 BACKUP 和 INCLUDE 日誌。但是,在 DPF 資料庫中,BACKUP 和 INCLUDE 日誌會生成錯誤訊息(SQL2032N)。
在 DB2 9.5 及以後版本,可以使用 “TO END OF BACKUP” 子句和 ROLLFORWARD 命令
這個最小恢復時間是前滾期間資料庫處於一致狀態(資料庫編目中列出的物件與磁碟上物理存在的物件相 匹配)
db2 rollforward db testdb to end of backup and stop
db2 archive log for db testdb
db2 "backup db zzdb1 online to /home/db2inst1/backup compress include logs"
db2 "drop table t1"
db2 "create table t1 (id int , c2 varchar(200)) "
db2 "
declare i int default 0;
while (i<105000) do
insert into t1 values(i, 'aaaaaaaddddddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbffffffffffffffffffbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccfffffffffffffffffffccccccccccccccc'||char(i) );
set i=i+1;
end while;
--提取 恢復歷史檔案
db2 "restore db zzdb1 from /home/db2inst1/backup taken at 20140829184600
on /home/db2inst2
replace history file
db2 list backup all for zzdb1
db2 "restore db zzdb1 from /home/db2inst1/backup taken at 20140829184229
on /home/db2inst2 logtarget /home/db2inst2/log
redirect generate script /home/db2inst2/redirect.ddl
--前滾 redirect.ddl 這個檔案需要修改
db2 -tvf /home/db2inst2/redirect.ddl 184517 184619
db2 "restore db testdb logs from /home/db2inst1/backup taken at 20140829184229
logtarget /home/db2inst2/log
db2 "rollforward db zzdb1 to end of logs and stop overflow log path ('/home/db2inst2/log')"
db2 "rollforward db zzdb1 to 2014-08- using local time and stop overflow log path ('/home/db2inst2/log')"
db2 "rollforward db zzdb1 stop overflow log path ('/home/db2inst2/log')"
增大 UTIL_HEAP_SZ 配置引數來分配更多記憶體,在最大程度上減少完成備份、恢復和復原操作所需的時間。
在備份恢復期間應監控 UTIL_HEAP_SZ記憶體的使用情況,
db2 get snapshot for database on mydb
1)WITH num_buffers BUFFERS
3)BUFFER buffer-size
db2 get dbm cfg | find /i "BUFSZ"
備份緩衝區預設大小(4KB) (BACKBUFSZ) = 1024
復原緩衝區預設大小(4KB) (RESTBUFSZ) = 1024
將 blk_log_dsk_ful 設定為 yes 會導致 DB2 資料庫系統遇到“日誌磁碟已滿”錯誤時應用程式掛起,從而允許您解決該錯誤並允許事務完成。可透過增加檔案系統容量或除去同一檔案系統上大量檔案來解決日誌磁碟已滿情況。
db2 "create table t1 (c1 varchar(20), c2 varchar(20))"
db2 "
atomic declare i int default 0;
while (i<100000) do insert into t1 values('aaaaaaaaa' || char(i),'bbbbbb'||char(i) );
set i=i+1;
end while;
db2 get snapshot for database on testdb
db2 force applications all
db2 "force application (agent_id)"
db2 update db cfg for testdb using logarchmeth1 disk:/data/archivelog
db2 get db cfg for testdb | grep -i log
--不進行日誌記錄 +c 關閉自動提交
db2 +c "alter table t1 activate not logged initially"
db2 +c "delete from t1"
db2 +c "commit"
db2 list history archive log all for testdb
db2 "restore db testdb logs from /data/backup/testdb taken at 20131220191008
logtarget /data/backup/log
db2 "restore db sample logs load /opt/simpana/Base64/libDb2Sbt.so taken at 20131220191008
LOGTARGET /db2log without prompting
db2 list history backup all for testdb
db2 list history backup since 20131213010101 for testdb
db2 "select timestamp(start_time) as starttime, end_time,char(firstlog,15) as firstlog ,char(lastlog,15) as lastlog ,seqnum, char(location,30) as location
from sysibmadm.db_history
where operation='B' and sqlcode is null
db2 "select OPERATION,
char(FIRSTLOG,20) firstlog,
char(LASTLOG,20) lastlog,
from sysibmadm.db_history
db2pd -logs -db testdb
db2 backup db testdb online to /db2data2/backup1 compress include logs
--離線壓縮全備份 預設offline
db2 backup db testdb to /db2data2/backup1 compress
db2dart testdb /CHST /WHAT DBBP OFF
db2 rollforward db testdb query status
db2bm 表空間與緩衝池之間的傳輸程式
db2med 緩衝池與儲存介質之間的傳輸程式
--In order to use the incremental backup functionality, database has to be enabled for it.
This is done by turning the TRACKMOD database configuration parameter on.
When TRACKMOD is turned on, database keeps track of table spaces that have been modified.
When an incremental backup command is issued, it will skip the table spaces that have not been modified since last backup.
connect to ds2;
update db cfg using trackmod on deferred ;
connect reset;
增量備份 必須開啟引數 TRACKMOD
1)incremental delta 差異增量,備份從上一次差異備份後的變化,備份量小。恢復時需要各個差異增量備份和全備份才可恢復。
2)incremental 累積增量,從上一次全備份後的變化,備份量大。只取一個增量備份和全備份即可恢復。
db2 "backup database ds2 tablespace ( ordertbs, tbs_data2 ) online incremental delta
to /home/db2inst1/backups exclude logs without prompting "
db2 "restore db testdb tablespace ( ordertbs ) online incremental automatic
from /home/db2inst1/backups taken at
db2 "rollforward db testdb to end of logs and complete tablespace ( ordertbs ) online "
"db2ckrst" utility is available to see what backup images will be applied, prior to actually running the automatic restore.
db2ckrst -d DS2 -t
--The check backup command (db2ckbkp) can be used to test the integrity of a backup image and to determine whether or not the image can be restored.
db2ckbkp DS2.3.db2inst1.DBPART000.
--It can also be used to display the metadata stored in the backup header.
db2ckbkp -h DS2.3.db2inst1.DBPART000.
db2adutl verify db
db2 "rollforward db testdb to 2013-12- using local time overflow log path ('/data/backup/testdb/bak')"
db2 "rollforward db testdb stop overflow log path ('/data/backup/testdb/bak') "
SQL1275N: The stoptime passed to roll-forward must be greater than or equal to "備份結束的時間點"
SQL4970N:Roll-forward recovery on database cannot reach the specified stop point. 前滾只能到最後一個日記記錄的時間。
SQL1266N:前滾只能往後不能往前,假設 t1 < t2 ,rollforward 到 t2 後,不能再 rollforward 到 t1
出現SQL1266N後,只能 db2 rollforward db testdb stop
資料庫目錄和自動儲存路徑都儲存在 on 指定的目錄
線上備份,恢復時指定 logtarget 將介質中的檔案抽取,前滾時指定 overflow log path 選項進行日誌的前滾:
db2 restore db sample from /data taken at 20101215010203 on /home/db2recover logtarget /data2/log
db2 "rollforward db sample to end of logs overflow log path ('/data/log') "
db2 "rollforward db sample stop overflow log path ('/data2/log') "
db2 "restore db testdb taken at 20131020000447 on /data/i2_testdb
redirect generate script /data/redirect.ddl
db2 -tvf /data/redirect.ddl 需要修改指令碼
db2 "rollforward db testdb to end of logs and stop "
db2 update db cfg for testdb using MIRRORLOGPATH default
db2 "restore db testdb taken at 20131020000447 on /data/i2_testdb logtarget /data/i2_testdb/log
redirect generate script /data/i2_testdb/redirect.ddl
db2 -tvf /data/i2_testdb/redirect.ddl 需要修改指令碼
db2 "rollforward db testdb to end of logs and stop overflow log path ('/data/i2_testdb/log') "
db2 "rollforward db testdb stop overflow log path ('/data/i2_testdb/log') "
db2 get db cfg | grep -i softmax
db2 get db cfg | grep -i chngpgs_thresh
db2 "alter tablespace tbs_data2 dropped table recovery on "
db2 "create table t2 (id int , name char(20))"
db2 "insert into t2 values(10,'zhang')"
db2 backup db testdb online to /data/backup/testdb include logs
db2 drop table t2
db2 list history dropped table all for testdb
db2 "restore db testdb from /data/backup/testdb tablespace(tbs_data2) taken at 20131023105651"
db2 "rollforward database testdb to end of logs tablespace(tbs_data2) recover dropped table
000000000500e1ec00070004 to /data/backup/test_d.txt
--表空間是否 "已drop表的恢復功能"
db2 "select char(tbspace,20) "Tablespace" , DROP_RECOVERY from syscat.tablespaces order by 1"
-- 使用全備份和增量備份恢復資料庫
db2 restore db testdb from /data/backup/testdb taken at 20131201202020
db2 restore db testdb incremental automatic from /data/backup/testdb taken at 20131203202020
automatic 無論多少個累積增量或delta增量,DB2會自動檢索恢復順序並自動恢復資料庫
db2 rollforward db testdb to end of logs and complete
db2ckrst 檢測要恢復的增量備份映象的時間戳
db2ckrst -d testdb -t 20140901135602
db2 prune history 20130101
db2 "prune logfile prior to S0000600.LOG"
db2 list utilities show detail
db2cfexp inst.out backup
db2cfimp 匯入
$ db2 rollforward db test to 2008-03-01 and stop
SQL1275N The stoptime passed to roll-forward must be greater than or equal to
"2008-03-04- UTC", because database "TEST" on node(s) "0,1"
contains information later than the specified time.
$ db2 rollforward db testdb to 2008-03-04- and stop
DB20000I The ROLLFORWARD command completed successfully.
以上例子表明,在前滾期間,如果命令中指定的時間點(PIT)過早,那麼會收到錯誤訊息(SQL1275N)。該錯誤訊息 告訴您正確的 PIT。
可以考慮使用 BACKUP 和 INCLUDE 日誌。但是,在 DPF 資料庫中,BACKUP 和 INCLUDE 日誌會生成錯誤訊息(SQL2032N)。
在 DB2 9.5 及以後版本,可以使用 “TO END OF BACKUP” 子句和 ROLLFORWARD 命令
這個最小恢復時間是前滾期間資料庫處於一致狀態(資料庫編目中列出的物件與磁碟上物理存在的物件相 匹配)
db2 rollforward db testdb to end of backup and stop
db2 archive log for db testdb
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/22661144/viewspace-1450987/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
- db2備份恢復(backup restore)DB2REST
- db2 online backup 設定DB2
- full backup 與 level 0 incremental backupREM
- Leetcode-Resotre IP AddressesLeetCode
- DB2 backup fails with SQL2079N return code 30DB2AISQL
- 理解備份集backup set與備份片backup piece
- RMAN - backup archivelog all 與 backup database plus archivelog 區別HiveDatabase
- ANR2968E Database backup terminated. DB2 sqlcode: -2033. DB2 sqlerrmc: 106DatabaseDB2SQL
- db2 list history backup輸出資訊中各個型別的解釋DB2型別
- DB2 prune 與 list historyDB2
- datastage與db2小結ASTDB2
- DB2備份與恢復DB2
- 使用db2 load from時導致DB的tablespace置成backup pending狀態DB2
- 讓DB2跑得更快——DB2內部解析與效能最佳化DB2
- DB2 Event Monitor使用與查詢DB2
- DB2 export 與 import 相關操作DB2ExportImport
- DB2許可權與授權DB2
- DB2線上備份與恢復DB2
- 【HBase】start master 與 start master --backup 的區別AST
- oracle scn與備份恢復backup recovery(一)Oracle
- DB2表的匯入與匯出DB2
- backup archivelog delete input 與delete all input 區別Hivedelete
- Veritas Backup
- DB2常用函式與Oracle比較TIDB2函式Oracle
- DB2的字元型欄位,NULL與空串DB2字元Null
- db2 建立資料庫與資料放置DB2資料庫
- Oracle備份與恢復系列(三)alter tablspace begin backupOracle
- SQLBackupAndFTP12.0 failed to backup database with full backup typeSQLFTPAIDatabase
- DB2:ksh: db2: not found.DB2
- backup site collection
- Oracle Secure BackupOracle
- Cold backup script
- DB2的資料庫備份與恢復DB2資料庫
- DB2 統計資訊與重組相關操作DB2
- DB2日期與字串轉換函式DB2字串函式
- [DB2]離線備份與離線還原DB2
- DB2系列之DB2安裝DB2
- IBM與AWS 攜手,Amazon RDS for DB2 正式亮相!IBMDB2