Syntax: db2look -d DBname [-e] [-xs] [-xdir Path] [-u Creator] [-z Schema]
[-t Tname1 Tname2...TnameN] [-tw Tname] [-xdep] [-xddep]
[-o Fname] [-a] [-m] [-c] [-r] [-l] [-x] [-xd] [-f] [-h]
[-fd] [-td x] [-noview] [-i userID] [-w password]
[-v Vname1 Vname2 ... VnameN] [-dp] [-ct]
[-wrapper WrapperName] [-server ServerName] [-nofed]
[-wlm] [-ap] [-mod] [-cor] [-wrap] [-noimplschema] [-nostatsclause]
[-wrapper WrapperName] [-server ServerName][-fedonly] [-nofed]
--生成 資料庫 testdb 中 模式 peter 的所有物件的 DDL,輸出被儲存在 alltables.sql 中。
db2look -d testdb -z peter -e -o all_objects.sql
--生成模式db2inst1下的表 t1和t2 的ddl
db2look -d sample -z db2inst1 -t t1 t2 -e -o t1.ddl
--資料庫 sample DDL
db2look -d sample -a -e -l -x -f -o db2look.sql
* 資料庫 sample 中所有物件的 DDL(由 -d、-a 和 -e 選項指定)。
* GRANT 授權語句(由選項 -x 指定)。
* 用於資料庫管理器和資料庫配置引數的 UPDATE 語句和用於概要登錄檔的 db2set 命令(由選項 -f 指定)。
--In the testdb database, the command extracts the DDL from the staff, department, and
employee tables, and generates UPDATE statements used to replicate statistics of the
tables and the associated runstats commands.
db2look –d testdb –t staff department employee –m -r
[-t Tname1 Tname2...TnameN] [-tw Tname] [-xdep] [-xddep]
[-o Fname] [-a] [-m] [-c] [-r] [-l] [-x] [-xd] [-f] [-h]
[-fd] [-td x] [-noview] [-i userID] [-w password]
[-v Vname1 Vname2 ... VnameN] [-dp] [-ct]
[-wrapper WrapperName] [-server ServerName] [-nofed]
[-wlm] [-ap] [-mod] [-cor] [-wrap] [-noimplschema] [-nostatsclause]
[-wrapper WrapperName] [-server ServerName][-fedonly] [-nofed]
-d Database Name: This must be specified
-a 所有使用者下的物件
-e Extract DDL file needed to duplicate database
-o Redirects the output to the given file name
-t tabname,tabname2 表名,最多30個
-tw tname 匹配表名含有 tname ,_ 任意單個字元,% 包含零個或零個以上任意字元。 忽略 -t 選項
-l Generate Database Layout: Database partition groups, Bufferpools and Tablespaces
-x Generate Authorization statements DDL excluding the original definer of the object
-z schema_name 模式 If -z and -a are both specified then -z will be ignored
-u 建立者 Creator ID: If -u and -a are both not specified then $USER will be used
-f Extract configuration parameters and environment variables
-m UPDATE 語句,用於複製資料庫中所有表和索引的統計資訊。
-a 所有使用者下的物件
-e Extract DDL file needed to duplicate database
-o Redirects the output to the given file name
-t tabname,tabname2 表名,最多30個
-tw tname 匹配表名含有 tname ,_ 任意單個字元,% 包含零個或零個以上任意字元。 忽略 -t 選項
-l Generate Database Layout: Database partition groups, Bufferpools and Tablespaces
-x Generate Authorization statements DDL excluding the original definer of the object
-z schema_name 模式 If -z and -a are both specified then -z will be ignored
-u 建立者 Creator ID: If -u and -a are both not specified then $USER will be used
-f Extract configuration parameters and environment variables
-m UPDATE 語句,用於複製資料庫中所有表和索引的統計資訊。
-r 不收集統計資訊
If you specify this option with the -m parameter, the db2look command does not generate the RUNSTATS command.
The default action is to generate the RUNSTATS command.
-fd Generates db2fopt statements for opt_buffpage and opt_sortheap along with other cfg and env parameters.
db2look -d testdb -z peter -e -o all_objects.sql
--生成模式db2inst1下的表 t1和t2 的ddl
db2look -d sample -z db2inst1 -t t1 t2 -e -o t1.ddl
--資料庫 sample DDL
db2look -d sample -a -e -l -x -f -o db2look.sql
* 資料庫 sample 中所有物件的 DDL(由 -d、-a 和 -e 選項指定)。
* GRANT 授權語句(由選項 -x 指定)。
* 用於資料庫管理器和資料庫配置引數的 UPDATE 語句和用於概要登錄檔的 db2set 命令(由選項 -f 指定)。
--In the testdb database, the command extracts the DDL from the staff, department, and
employee tables, and generates UPDATE statements used to replicate statistics of the
tables and the associated runstats commands.
db2look –d testdb –t staff department employee –m -r
db2look -d testdb -l -o 1.out
db2look -d testdb -l -o 1.out
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