DB2 抽樣統計案例
runstats on table myschema.customer with distribution on all columns
and detailed indexes all tablesample system (10); ----- 10 percent of the pages
runstats on table myschema.customer on all columns
and sample detailed indexes all tablesample bernoulli (15); ------ 15 percent of all rows
兩種 sampling 的區別在於
For BERNOULLI, all data pages will be retrieved through a table scan
but only the percentage of rows as specified through the numeric-literal parameter will be used for the statistics collection.
For SYSTEM, only a percentage of the data pages as specified through the numeric-literal parameter will be retrieved
and used for the statistics collection.
runstats on table myschema.customer with distribution on all columns
and detailed indexes all tablesample system (10); ----- 10 percent of the pages
runstats on table myschema.customer on all columns
and sample detailed indexes all tablesample bernoulli (15); ------ 15 percent of all rows
兩種 sampling 的區別在於
For BERNOULLI, all data pages will be retrieved through a table scan
but only the percentage of rows as specified through the numeric-literal parameter will be used for the statistics collection.
For SYSTEM, only a percentage of the data pages as specified through the numeric-literal parameter will be retrieved
and used for the statistics collection.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/22661144/viewspace-1477205/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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