Oracle 11G OCP 1Z0-053 46

(46)What happens when you run the SQL Tuning Advisor with limited scope?

A. Access path analysis is not performed for SQL statements.

B. SQL structure analysis is not performed for SQL statements.

C. SQL Profile recommendations are not generated for SQL statements.

D. Staleness and absence of statistics are not checked for the objects in the SQL Tuning Advisor.



《Performance Tuning》  17.3.2

SQL Tuning Advisor提供選項來管理優化任務的scope和duration。scope的設定可以如下:

Limited--SQL Tuning Advisor基於統計資訊檢查、訪問路徑分析、SQL結構分析產生建議. 不會產生SQL profile建議.

Comprehensive--SQL Tuning Advisor在指定的scope內執行所有的分析,包括SQL Profile.


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