Oracle oradebug命令詳解


sys@TESTDB11>oradebug help

HELP           [command]                 Describe one or all commands

SETMYPID                                 Debug current process

SETOSPID       <ospid>                   Set OS pid of process to debug

SETORAPID      <orapid> ['force']        Set Oracle pid of process to debug

SETORAPNAME    <orapname>                Set Oracle process name to debug

SHORT_STACK                              Get abridged OS stack

CURRENT_SQL                              Get current SQL

DUMP           <dump_name> <lvl> [addr]  Invoke named dump

DUMPSGA        [bytes]                   Dump fixed SGA

DUMPLIST                                 Print a list of available dumps

EVENT          <text>                    Set trace event in process

SESSION_EVENT  <text>                    Set trace event in session

DUMPVAR        <p|s|uga> <name> [level]  Print/dump a fixed PGA/SGA/UGA variable

DUMPTYPE       <address> <type> <count>  Print/dump an address with type info

SETVAR         <p|s|uga> <name> <value>  Modify a fixed PGA/SGA/UGA variable

PEEK           <addr> <len> [level]      Print/Dump memory

POKE           <addr> <len> <value>      Modify memory

WAKEUP         <orapid>                  Wake up Oracle process

SUSPEND                                  Suspend execution

RESUME                                   Resume execution

FLUSH                                    Flush pending writes to trace file

CLOSE_TRACE                              Close trace file

TRACEFILE_NAME                           Get name of trace file

LKDEBUG                                  Invoke global enqueue service debugger

NSDBX                                    Invoke CGS name-service debugger

-G             <Inst-List | def | all>   Parallel oradebug command prefix

-R             <Inst-List | def | all>   Parallel oradebug prefix (return output

SETINST        <instance# .. | all>      Set instance list in double quotes

SGATOFILE      <SGA dump dir>         Dump SGA to file; dirname in double quotes

DMPCOWSGA      <SGA dump dir> Dump & map SGA as COW; dirname in double quotes

MAPCOWSGA      <SGA dump dir>         Map SGA as COW; dirname in double quotes

HANGANALYZE    [level] [syslevel]        Analyze system hang

FFBEGIN                                  Flash Freeze the Instance

FFDEREGISTER                             FF deregister instance from cluster

FFTERMINST                               Call exit and terminate instance

FFRESUMEINST                             Resume the flash frozen instance

FFSTATUS                                 Flash freeze status of instance

SKDSTTPCS      <ifname>  <ofname>        Helps translate PCs to names

WATCH          <address> <len> <self|exist|all|target>  Watch a region of memory

DELETE         <local|global|target> watchpoint <id>    Delete a watchpoint

SHOW           <local|global|target> watchpoints        Show  watchpoints

DIRECT_ACCESS  <set/enable/disable command | select query> Fixed table access

CORE                                     Dump core without crashing process

IPC                                      Dump ipc information

UNLIMIT                                  Unlimit the size of the trace file

PROCSTAT                                 Dump process statistics

CALL           [-t count] <func> [arg1]...[argn]  Invoke function with arguments

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。