PostgreSQL在寫入頻繁的場景中,可能會產生大量的WAL日誌,而且WAL日誌量遠遠超過實際更新的資料量。 我們可以把這種現象起個名字,叫做“WAL寫放大”,造成WAL寫放大的主要原因有2點。
- 在checkpoint之後第一次修改頁面,需要在WAL中輸出整個page,即全頁寫(full page writes)。全頁寫的目的是防止在意外當機時出現的資料塊部分寫導致資料庫無法恢復。
- 更新記錄時如果新記錄位置(ctid)發生變更,索引記錄也要相應變更,這個變更也要記入WAL。更嚴重的是索引記錄的變更又有可能導致索引頁的全頁寫,進一步加劇了WAL寫放大。
- 磁碟IO
WAL寫入是順序寫,通常情況下硬碟對付WAL的順序寫入是綽綽有餘的。所以一般可以忽略。 - 網路IO
對區域網內的複製估計還不算問題,遠端複製就難說了。 - 磁碟空間
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* The overall layout of an XLOG record is: * Fixed-size header (XLogRecord struct) * XLogRecordBlockHeader struct * XLogRecordBlockHeader struct * ... * XLogRecordDataHeader[Short|Long] struct * block data * block data * ... * main data |
主要佔空間是上面的”block data”,再往上的XLogRecordBlockHeader是”block data”的後設資料。 一條WAL記錄可能不涉及資料塊,也可能涉及多個資料塊,因此WAL記錄中可能沒有”block data”也可能有多個”block data”。
“block data”的內容可能是下面幾種情況之一
- full page image
如果是checkpoint之後第一次修改頁面,則輸出整個page的內容(即full page image,簡稱FPI)。但是page中沒有資料的hole部分會被排除,如果設定了wal_compression = on還會對這page上的資料進行壓縮。 - buffer data
不需要輸出FPI時,就只輸出page中指定的資料。 - full page image + buffer data
究竟”block data”中存的是什麼內容,通過前面的XLogRecordBlockHeader中的fork_flags進行描述。這裡的XLogRecordBlockHeader其實也只是個概括的說法,實際上後面還跟了一些其它的Header。完整的結構如下:
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XLogRecordBlockHeader XLogRecordBlockImageHeader (可選,包含FPI時存在) XLogRecordBlockCompressHeader (可選,對FPI壓縮時存在) RelFileNode (可選,和之前的"block data"的file node不一樣時才存在) BlockNumber |
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Oid heap_insert(Relation relation, HeapTuple tup, CommandId cid, int options, BulkInsertState bistate) { ... xl_heap_insert xlrec; xl_heap_header xlhdr; ... xlrec.offnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&heaptup->t_self); ... XLogBeginInsert(); XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHeapInsert); //1)記錄tuple的位置到WAL記錄裡的"main data"。 xlhdr.t_infomask2 = heaptup->t_data->t_infomask2; xlhdr.t_infomask = heaptup->t_data->t_infomask; xlhdr.t_hoff = heaptup->t_data->t_hoff; /* * note we mark xlhdr as belonging to buffer; if XLogInsert decides to * write the whole page to the xlog, we don't need to store * xl_heap_header in the xlog. */ XLogRegisterBuffer(0, buffer, REGBUF_STANDARD | bufflags); XLogRegisterBufData(0, (char *) &xlhdr, SizeOfHeapHeader);//2)記錄tuple的head到WAL記錄裡的"block data"。 /* PG73FORMAT: write bitmap [+ padding] [+ oid] + data */ XLogRegisterBufData(0, (char *) heaptup->t_data + SizeofHeapTupleHeader, heaptup->t_len - SizeofHeapTupleHeader);//3)記錄tuple的內容到WAL記錄裡的"block data"。 ... } |
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-bash-4.1$ pg_xlogdump /pgsql/data/pg_xlog/0000000100000555000000D5 -b ... rmgr: Heap len (rec/tot): 14/ 171, tx: 301170263, lsn: 555/D5005080, prev 555/D50030A0, desc: UPDATE off 30 xmax 301170263 ; new off 20 xmax 0 blkref #0: rel 1663/13269/54349226 fork main blk 1640350 blkref #1: rel 1663/13269/54349226 fork main blk 1174199 ... |
- rmgr: Heap
PostgreSQL內部將WAL日誌歸類到20多種不同的資源管理器。這條WAL記錄所屬資源管理器為Heap,即堆表。除了Heap還有Btree,Transaction等。 - len (rec/tot): 14/ 171
WAL記錄的總長度是171位元組,其中main data部分是14位元組(只計數main data可能並不合理,本文的後面會有說明)。 - tx: 301170263
事務號 - lsn: 555/D5005080
本WAL記錄的LSN - prev 555/D50030A0
上條WAL記錄的LSN - desc: UPDATE off 30 xmax 301170263 ; new off 20 xmax 0
這是一條UPDATE型別的記錄(每個資源管理器最多包含16種不同的WAL記錄型別,),舊tuple在page中的位置為30(即ctid的後半部分),新tuple在page中的位置為20。 - blkref #0: rel 1663/13269/54349226 fork main blk 1640350
12345-bash-4.1$ oid2name -f 54349226From database "postgres":Filenode Table Name----------------------------54349226 pgbench_accounts - blkref #1: rel 1663/13269/54349226 fork main blk 1174199
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-bash-4.1$ pg_xlogdump /pgsql/data/pg_xlog/0000000100000555000000D5 -b ... rmgr: Heap len (rec/tot): 8/ 8135, tx: 301170263, lsn: 555/D50030A0, prev 555/D5001350, desc: LOCK off 30: xid 301170263: flags 0 LOCK_ONLY EXCL_LOCK blkref #0: rel 1663/13269/54349226 fork main blk 1174199 (FPW); hole: offset: 268, length: 116 rmgr: Heap len (rec/tot): 14/ 171, tx: 301170263, lsn: 555/D5005080, prev 555/D50030A0, desc: UPDATE off 30 xmax 301170263 ; new off 20 xmax 0 blkref #0: rel 1663/13269/54349226 fork main blk 1640350 blkref #1: rel 1663/13269/54349226 fork main blk 1174199 ... |
上面的LOCK記錄的例子中,第一個引用page裡有PFW標識,表示包含FPI,這也是這條WAL記錄長度很大的原因。 後面的hole: offset: 268, length: 116表示page中包含hole,以及這個hole的偏移位置和長度。 可以算出FPI的大小為8196-116=8080, WAL記錄中除FPI以外的資料長度8135-8080=55。
PostgreSQL 9.5以後的pg_xlogdump都帶有統計功能,可以檢視不同型別的WAL記錄的數量,大小以及FPI的比例。例子如下:
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shared_buffers = 32GB checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9 checkpoint_timeout = 5min min_wal_size = 1GB max_wal_size = 4GB full_page_writes = on wal_log_hints = on wal_level = replica wal_keep_segments = 1000 |
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-bash-4.1$ psql -c "checkpoint;select pg_switch_xlog(),pg_current_xlog_location()" pg_switch_xlog | pg_current_xlog_location ----------------+-------------------------- 556/48000270 | 556/49000000 (1 row) -bash-4.1$ pgbench -n -c 64 -j 64 -T 10 transaction type: <builtin: TPC-B (sort of)> scaling factor: 1000 query mode: simple number of clients: 64 number of threads: 64 duration: 10 s number of transactions actually processed: 123535 latency average = 5.201 ms tps = 12304.460572 (including connections establishing) tps = 12317.916235 (excluding connections establishing) -bash-4.1$ psql -c "select pg_current_xlog_location()" pg_current_xlog_location -------------------------- 556/B8B40CA0 (1 row) |
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-bash-4.1$ pg_xlogdump --stats=record -s 556/49000000 -e 556/B8B40CA0 Type N (%) Record size (%) FPI size (%) Combined size (%) ---- - --- ----------- --- -------- --- ------------- --- XLOG/FPI_FOR_HINT 650 ( 0.06) 15600 ( 0.05) 5262532 ( 0.29) 5278132 ( 0.29) Transaction/COMMIT 123535 ( 11.54) 3953120 ( 11.46) 0 ( 0.00) 3953120 ( 0.22) CLOG/ZEROPAGE 4 ( 0.00) 112 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 112 ( 0.00) Standby/RUNNING_XACTS 2 ( 0.00) 232 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 232 ( 0.00) Heap/INSERT 122781 ( 11.47) 3315087 ( 9.61) 1150064 ( 0.06) 4465151 ( 0.25) Heap/UPDATE 220143 ( 20.57) 8365434 ( 24.24) 1110312 ( 0.06) 9475746 ( 0.52) Heap/HOT_UPDATE 147169 ( 13.75) 5592422 ( 16.21) 275568 ( 0.02) 5867990 ( 0.32) Heap/LOCK 228031 ( 21.31) 7296992 ( 21.15) 975914004 ( 54.70) 983210996 ( 54.06) Heap/INSERT+INIT 754 ( 0.07) 20358 ( 0.06) 0 ( 0.00) 20358 ( 0.00) Heap/UPDATE+INIT 3293 ( 0.31) 125134 ( 0.36) 0 ( 0.00) 125134 ( 0.01) Btree/INSERT_LEAF 223003 ( 20.84) 5798078 ( 16.80) 800409940 ( 44.86) 806208018 ( 44.33) Btree/INSERT_UPPER 433 ( 0.04) 11258 ( 0.03) 32576 ( 0.00) 43834 ( 0.00) Btree/SPLIT_L 218 ( 0.02) 6976 ( 0.02) 26040 ( 0.00) 33016 ( 0.00) Btree/SPLIT_R 216 ( 0.02) 6912 ( 0.02) 27220 ( 0.00) 34132 ( 0.00) -------- -------- -------- -------- Total 1070232 34507715 [1.90%] 1784208256 [98.10%] 1818715971 [100%] |
這個統計結果顯示FPI的比例佔到了98.10%。但是這個資料並不準確,因為上面的Record size只包含了WAL記錄中”main data”的大小,Combined size則是”main data”與FPI的合計,漏掉了FPI以外的”block data”。 這是一個Bug,社群正在進行修復,參考BUG #14687
作為臨時對策,可以在pg_xlogdump.c中新增了一行程式碼,重新計算Record size使之等於WAL總記錄長度減去FPI的大小。為便於區分,修改後編譯的二進位制檔案改名為pg_xlogdump_ex。
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fpi_len = 0; for (block_id = 0; block_id <= record->max_block_id; block_id++) { if (XLogRecHasBlockImage(record, block_id)) fpi_len += record->blocks[block_id].bimg_len; } rec_len = XLogRecGetTotalLen(record) - fpi_len;/* 新增這一行,重新計算rec_len */ |
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-bash-4.1$ ./pg_xlogdump_ex --stats=record -s 556/49000000 -e 556/B8B40CA0 Type N (%) Record size (%) FPI size (%) Combined size (%) ---- - --- ----------- --- -------- --- ------------- --- XLOG/FPI_FOR_HINT 650 ( 0.06) 31850 ( 0.04) 5262532 ( 0.29) 5294382 ( 0.28) Transaction/COMMIT 123535 ( 11.54) 4200190 ( 5.14) 0 ( 0.00) 4200190 ( 0.23) CLOG/ZEROPAGE 4 ( 0.00) 120 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 120 ( 0.00) Standby/RUNNING_XACTS 2 ( 0.00) 236 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 236 ( 0.00) Heap/INSERT 122781 ( 11.47) 9694899 ( 11.86) 1150064 ( 0.06) 10844963 ( 0.58) Heap/UPDATE 220143 ( 20.57) 29172042 ( 35.67) 1110312 ( 0.06) 30282354 ( 1.62) Heap/HOT_UPDATE 147169 ( 13.75) 10591360 ( 12.95) 275568 ( 0.02) 10866928 ( 0.58) Heap/LOCK 228031 ( 21.31) 12917849 ( 15.80) 975914004 ( 54.70) 988831853 ( 52.99) Heap/INSERT+INIT 754 ( 0.07) 59566 ( 0.07) 0 ( 0.00) 59566 ( 0.00) Heap/UPDATE+INIT 3293 ( 0.31) 455778 ( 0.56) 0 ( 0.00) 455778 ( 0.02) Btree/INSERT_LEAF 223003 ( 20.84) 13080672 ( 16.00) 800409940 ( 44.86) 813490612 ( 43.60) Btree/INSERT_UPPER 433 ( 0.04) 31088 ( 0.04) 32576 ( 0.00) 63664 ( 0.00) Btree/SPLIT_L 218 ( 0.02) 775610 ( 0.95) 26040 ( 0.00) 801650 ( 0.04) Btree/SPLIT_R 216 ( 0.02) 765118 ( 0.94) 27220 ( 0.00) 792338 ( 0.04) -------- -------- -------- -------- Total 1070232 81776378 [4.38%] 1784208256 [95.62%] 1865984634 [100%] |
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postgres=# select pg_xlog_location_diff('556/B8B40CA0','556/49000000'); pg_xlog_location_diff ----------------------- 1874070688 (1 row) postgres=# select 1784208256.0 / 1874070688; ?column? ------------------------ 0.95204960379808256197 (1 row) |
- 延長checkpoint時間間隔
FPI產生於checkpoint之後第一次變髒的page,在下次checkpoint到來之前,已經輸出過PFI的page是不需要再次輸出FPI的。因此checkpoint時間間隔越長,FPI產生的頻度會越低。增大checkpoint_timeout和max_wal_size可以延長checkpoint時間間隔。 - 增加HOT_UPDATE比例
普通的UPDATE經常需要更新2個資料塊,並且可能還要更新索引page,這些又都有可能產生FPI。而HOT_UPDATE只修改1個資料塊,需要寫的WAL量也會相應減少。 - 壓縮
PostgreSQL9.5新增加了一個wal_compression引數,設為on可以對FPI進行壓縮,削減WAL的大小。另外還可以在外部通過SSL/SSH的壓縮功能減少主備間的通訊流量,以及自定義歸檔指令碼對歸檔的WAL進行壓縮。 - 關閉全頁寫
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shared_buffers = 32GB checkpoint_completion_target = 0.1 checkpoint_timeout = 60min min_wal_size = 4GB max_wal_size = 64GB full_page_writes = on wal_log_hints = on wal_level = replica wal_keep_segments = 1000 |
1 2 |
-bash-4.1$ psql -c "checkpoint" CHECKPOINT |
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-bash-4.1$ psql -c "select pg_current_xlog_location()" ; pgbench -n -c 100 -j 100 -t 1000 ;psql -c "select pg_current_xlog_location()" pg_current_xlog_location -------------------------- 558/47542B08 (1 row) transaction type: <builtin: TPC-B (sort of)> scaling factor: 1000 query mode: simple number of clients: 100 number of threads: 100 number of transactions per client: 1000 number of transactions actually processed: 100000/100000 latency average = 7.771 ms tps = 12868.123227 (including connections establishing) tps = 12896.084970 (excluding connections establishing) pg_current_xlog_location -------------------------- 558/A13DF908 (1 row) |
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-bash-4.1$ ./pg_xlogdump_ex --stats=record -s 558/47542B08 -e 558/A13DF908 Type N (%) Record size (%) FPI size (%) Combined size (%) ---- - --- ----------- --- -------- --- ------------- --- XLOG/FPI_FOR_HINT 1933 ( 0.23) 94717 ( 0.15) 15612140 ( 1.09) 15706857 ( 1.05) Transaction/COMMIT 100000 ( 11.89) 3400000 ( 5.26) 0 ( 0.00) 3400000 ( 0.23) CLOG/ZEROPAGE 3 ( 0.00) 90 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 90 ( 0.00) Standby/RUNNING_XACTS 1 ( 0.00) 453 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 453 ( 0.00) Heap/INSERT 99357 ( 11.82) 7849103 ( 12.14) 25680 ( 0.00) 7874783 ( 0.52) Heap/UPDATE 163254 ( 19.42) 22354169 ( 34.58) 351364 ( 0.02) 22705533 ( 1.51) Heap/HOT_UPDATE 134045 ( 15.94) 9646593 ( 14.92) 384948 ( 0.03) 10031541 ( 0.67) Heap/LOCK 172576 ( 20.52) 9800924 ( 15.16) 778259316 ( 54.15) 788060240 ( 52.47) Heap/INSERT+INIT 643 ( 0.08) 50797 ( 0.08) 0 ( 0.00) 50797 ( 0.00) Heap/UPDATE+INIT 2701 ( 0.32) 371044 ( 0.57) 0 ( 0.00) 371044 ( 0.02) Btree/INSERT_LEAF 165561 ( 19.69) 9643359 ( 14.92) 642548940 ( 44.70) 652192299 ( 43.42) Btree/INSERT_UPPER 394 ( 0.05) 28236 ( 0.04) 56324 ( 0.00) 84560 ( 0.01) Btree/SPLIT_L 228 ( 0.03) 811172 ( 1.25) 57280 ( 0.00) 868452 ( 0.06) Btree/SPLIT_R 168 ( 0.02) 595137 ( 0.92) 64740 ( 0.00) 659877 ( 0.04) -------- -------- -------- -------- Total 840864 64645794 [4.30%] 1437360732 [95.70%] 1502006526 [100%] |
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-bash-4.1$ ./pg_xlogdump_ex --stats=record -s 559/6312AD98 -e 559/94AC4148 Type N (%) Record size (%) FPI size (%) Combined size (%) ---- - --- ----------- --- -------- --- ------------- --- XLOG/FPI_FOR_HINT 1425 ( 0.17) 69825 ( 0.11) 11508300 ( 1.51) 11578125 ( 1.40) Transaction/COMMIT 100000 ( 12.13) 3400000 ( 5.37) 0 ( 0.00) 3400000 ( 0.41) CLOG/ZEROPAGE 3 ( 0.00) 90 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 90 ( 0.00) Standby/RUNNING_XACTS 1 ( 0.00) 453 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 453 ( 0.00) Heap/INSERT 99296 ( 12.05) 7844384 ( 12.38) 0 ( 0.00) 7844384 ( 0.95) Heap/UPDATE 155408 ( 18.85) 21689908 ( 34.24) 0 ( 0.00) 21689908 ( 2.62) Heap/HOT_UPDATE 142042 ( 17.23) 10222825 ( 16.14) 0 ( 0.00) 10222825 ( 1.23) Heap/LOCK 164776 ( 19.99) 9274729 ( 14.64) 608647740 ( 79.60) 617922469 ( 74.63) Heap/INSERT+INIT 704 ( 0.09) 55616 ( 0.09) 0 ( 0.00) 55616 ( 0.01) Heap/UPDATE+INIT 2550 ( 0.31) 355951 ( 0.56) 0 ( 0.00) 355951 ( 0.04) Btree/INSERT_LEAF 157807 ( 19.14) 9886864 ( 15.61) 144491940 ( 18.90) 154378804 ( 18.64) Btree/INSERT_UPPER 151 ( 0.02) 10872 ( 0.02) 0 ( 0.00) 10872 ( 0.00) Btree/SPLIT_L 128 ( 0.02) 455424 ( 0.72) 0 ( 0.00) 455424 ( 0.06) Btree/SPLIT_R 23 ( 0.00) 81466 ( 0.13) 0 ( 0.00) 81466 ( 0.01) -------- -------- -------- -------- Total 824314 63348407 [7.65%] 764647980 [92.35%] 827996387 [100%] |
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-bash-4.1$ ./pg_xlogdump_ex --stats=record -s 55A/3347F298 -e 55A/5420F700 Type N (%) Record size (%) FPI size (%) Combined size (%) ---- - --- ----------- --- -------- --- ------------- --- XLOG/FPI_FOR_HINT 1151 ( 0.13) 56399 ( 0.09) 9295592 ( 1.93) 9351991 ( 1.71) Transaction/COMMIT 100000 ( 11.61) 3400000 ( 5.15) 0 ( 0.00) 3400000 ( 0.62) CLOG/ZEROPAGE 3 ( 0.00) 90 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 90 ( 0.00) Standby/RUNNING_XACTS 1 ( 0.00) 62 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 62 ( 0.00) Heap/INSERT 99322 ( 11.53) 7846438 ( 11.88) 0 ( 0.00) 7846438 ( 1.43) Heap/UPDATE 173901 ( 20.19) 23253149 ( 35.21) 0 ( 0.00) 23253149 ( 4.25) Heap/HOT_UPDATE 123452 ( 14.33) 8884888 ( 13.45) 0 ( 0.00) 8884888 ( 1.62) Heap/LOCK 183501 ( 21.30) 10187069 ( 15.43) 449049828 ( 93.22) 459236897 ( 83.84) Heap/INSERT+INIT 678 ( 0.08) 53562 ( 0.08) 0 ( 0.00) 53562 ( 0.01) Heap/UPDATE+INIT 2647 ( 0.31) 365259 ( 0.55) 0 ( 0.00) 365259 ( 0.07) Btree/INSERT_LEAF 176343 ( 20.47) 11251588 ( 17.04) 23338600 ( 4.85) 34590188 ( 6.32) Btree/INSERT_UPPER 205 ( 0.02) 14760 ( 0.02) 0 ( 0.00) 14760 ( 0.00) Btree/SPLIT_L 172 ( 0.02) 611976 ( 0.93) 0 ( 0.00) 611976 ( 0.11) Btree/SPLIT_R 33 ( 0.00) 116886 ( 0.18) 0 ( 0.00) 116886 ( 0.02) Btree/VACUUM 1 ( 0.00) 50 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 50 ( 0.00) -------- -------- -------- -------- Total 861410 66042176 [12.06%] 481684020 [87.94%] 547726196 [100%] |
No | tps | 非FPI大小 | WAL總量(位元組) | FPI比例(%) | 每事務產生的WAL(位元組) |
1 | 12896 | 64645794 | 1502006526 | 95.70 | 15020 |
5 | 12896 | 63348407 | 827996387 | 92.35 | 8279 |
10 | 12896 | 66042176 | 547726196 | 87.94 | 5477 |
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postgres=# select 1 - relpages/reltuples max_fillfactor from pg_class where relname='big_tb'; max_fillfactor ---------------------- 0.69799901185770750988 (1 row) |
再上面估算出的69%的基礎上,可以把fillfactor再稍微設小一點,比如設成65% 。
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-bash-4.1$ psql -c "checkpoint;select pg_current_xlog_location()" ; pgbench -n -c 100 -j 100 -t 10000 ;psql -c "select pg_current_xlog_location()" pg_current_xlog_location -------------------------- 55A/66715CC0 (1 row) transaction type: <builtin: TPC-B (sort of)> scaling factor: 1000 query mode: simple number of clients: 100 number of threads: 100 number of transactions per client: 10000 number of transactions actually processed: 1000000/1000000 latency average = 7.943 ms tps = 12589.895315 (including connections establishing) tps = 12592.623734 (excluding connections establishing) pg_current_xlog_location -------------------------- 55C/7C747F20 (1 row) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 |
-bash-4.1$ ./pg_xlogdump_ex --stats=record -s 55A/66715CC0 -e 55C/7C747F20 Type N (%) Record size (%) FPI size (%) Combined size (%) ---- - --- ----------- --- -------- --- ------------- --- XLOG/FPI_FOR_HINT 30699 ( 0.36) 1504251 ( 0.23) 248063160 ( 3.00) 249567411 ( 2.80) Transaction/COMMIT 1000000 ( 11.80) 34000000 ( 5.15) 0 ( 0.00) 34000000 ( 0.38) Transaction/COMMIT 3 ( 0.00) 502 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 502 ( 0.00) CLOG/ZEROPAGE 31 ( 0.00) 930 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 930 ( 0.00) Standby/RUNNING_XACTS 6 ( 0.00) 2226 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 2226 ( 0.00) Standby/INVALIDATIONS 3 ( 0.00) 414 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 414 ( 0.00) Heap/INSERT 993655 ( 11.72) 78496345 ( 11.90) 135164 ( 0.00) 78631509 ( 0.88) Heap/UPDATE 1658858 ( 19.57) 225826642 ( 34.23) 455368 ( 0.01) 226282010 ( 2.54) Heap/HOT_UPDATE 1314890 ( 15.51) 94634083 ( 14.35) 344324 ( 0.00) 94978407 ( 1.07) Heap/LOCK 1757258 ( 20.73) 98577892 ( 14.94) 5953842520 ( 72.12) 6052420412 ( 67.89) Heap/INPLACE 9 ( 0.00) 1730 ( 0.00) 6572 ( 0.00) 8302 ( 0.00) Heap/INSERT+INIT 6345 ( 0.07) 501255 ( 0.08) 0 ( 0.00) 501255 ( 0.01) Heap/UPDATE+INIT 26265 ( 0.31) 3635102 ( 0.55) 0 ( 0.00) 3635102 ( 0.04) Btree/INSERT_LEAF 1680195 ( 19.82) 104535607 ( 15.85) 2052212660 ( 24.86) 2156748267 ( 24.19) Btree/INSERT_UPPER 4928 ( 0.06) 354552 ( 0.05) 129128 ( 0.00) 483680 ( 0.01) Btree/SPLIT_L 4854 ( 0.06) 17269109 ( 2.62) 22080 ( 0.00) 17291189 ( 0.19) Btree/SPLIT_R 95 ( 0.00) 336650 ( 0.05) 0 ( 0.00) 336650 ( 0.00) Btree/VACUUM 3 ( 0.00) 155 ( 0.00) 2220 ( 0.00) 2375 ( 0.00) -------- -------- -------- -------- Total 8478097 659677445 [7.40%] 8255213196 [92.60%] 8914890641 [100%] |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 |
postgres=# alter table pgbench_accounts set (fillfactor=90); ALTER TABLE postgres=# vacuum full pgbench_accounts; VACUUM postgres=# alter table pgbench_tellers set (fillfactor=90); ALTER TABLE postgres=# vacuum full pgbench_tellers; VACUUM postgres=# alter table pgbench_branches set (fillfactor=90); ALTER TABLE postgres=# vacuum full pgbench_branches; VACUUM |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 |
-bash-4.1$ psql -c "checkpoint;select pg_current_xlog_location()" ; pgbench -n -c 100 -j 100 -t 10000 ;psql -c "select pg_current_xlog_location()" pg_current_xlog_location -------------------------- 561/78BD2460 (1 row) transaction type: <builtin: TPC-B (sort of)> scaling factor: 1000 query mode: simple number of clients: 100 number of threads: 100 number of transactions per client: 10000 number of transactions actually processed: 1000000/1000000 latency average = 7.570 ms tps = 13210.665959 (including connections establishing) tps = 13212.956814 (excluding connections establishing) pg_current_xlog_location -------------------------- 562/F91436D8 (1 row) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 |
-bash-4.1$ ./pg_xlogdump_ex --stats=record -s 561/78BD2460 -e 562/F91436D8 Type N (%) Record size (%) FPI size (%) Combined size (%) ---- - --- ----------- --- -------- --- ------------- --- XLOG/FPI_FOR_HINT 13529 ( 0.22) 662921 ( 0.16) 99703804 ( 1.66) 100366725 ( 1.57) Transaction/COMMIT 1000000 ( 16.09) 34000000 ( 8.07) 0 ( 0.00) 34000000 ( 0.53) Transaction/COMMIT 4 ( 0.00) 1035 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 1035 ( 0.00) CLOG/ZEROPAGE 30 ( 0.00) 900 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 900 ( 0.00) Standby/RUNNING_XACTS 5 ( 0.00) 1913 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 1913 ( 0.00) Standby/INVALIDATIONS 2 ( 0.00) 276 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 276 ( 0.00) Heap/INSERT 993629 ( 15.98) 78494191 ( 18.63) 362908 ( 0.01) 78857099 ( 1.23) Heap/DELETE 1 ( 0.00) 59 ( 0.00) 7972 ( 0.00) 8031 ( 0.00) Heap/UPDATE 553073 ( 8.90) 47100570 ( 11.18) 48188 ( 0.00) 47148758 ( 0.74) Heap/HOT_UPDATE 2438157 ( 39.22) 170238869 ( 40.40) 5809935900 ( 96.97) 5980174769 ( 93.25) Heap/LOCK 635714 ( 10.23) 34328566 ( 8.15) 16200 ( 0.00) 34344766 ( 0.54) Heap/INPLACE 10 ( 0.00) 1615 ( 0.00) 22692 ( 0.00) 24307 ( 0.00) Heap/INSERT+INIT 6372 ( 0.10) 503388 ( 0.12) 0 ( 0.00) 503388 ( 0.01) Heap/UPDATE+INIT 8804 ( 0.14) 741136 ( 0.18) 0 ( 0.00) 741136 ( 0.01) Btree/INSERT_LEAF 556456 ( 8.95) 35492624 ( 8.42) 81089180 ( 1.35) 116581804 ( 1.82) Btree/INSERT_UPPER 5422 ( 0.09) 389735 ( 0.09) 328108 ( 0.01) 717843 ( 0.01) Btree/SPLIT_L 5036 ( 0.08) 17918305 ( 4.25) 154980 ( 0.00) 18073285 ( 0.28) Btree/SPLIT_R 414 ( 0.01) 1466691 ( 0.35) 22140 ( 0.00) 1488831 ( 0.02) Btree/VACUUM 2 ( 0.00) 100 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 100 ( 0.00) -------- -------- -------- -------- Total 6216660 421342894 [6.57%] 5991692072 [93.43%] 6413034966 [100%] |
1 |
wal_compression = on |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 |
-bash-4.1$ psql -c "checkpoint;select pg_current_xlog_location()" ; pgbench -n -c 100 -j 100 -t 10000 ;psql -c "select pg_current_xlog_location()" pg_current_xlog_location -------------------------- 562/F91B5978 (1 row) transaction type: <builtin: TPC-B (sort of)> scaling factor: 1000 query mode: simple number of clients: 100 number of threads: 100 number of transactions per client: 10000 number of transactions actually processed: 1000000/1000000 latency average = 8.295 ms tps = 12056.091399 (including connections establishing) tps = 12059.453725 (excluding connections establishing) pg_current_xlog_location -------------------------- 563/39880390 (1 row) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 |
-bash-4.1$ ./pg_xlogdump_ex --stats=record -s 562/F91B5978 -e 563/39880390 Type N (%) Record size (%) FPI size (%) Combined size (%) ---- - --- ----------- --- -------- --- ------------- --- XLOG/FPI_FOR_HINT 7557 ( 0.12) 385375 ( 0.09) 5976157 ( 0.94) 6361532 ( 0.60) Transaction/COMMIT 1000000 ( 15.55) 34000000 ( 7.97) 0 ( 0.00) 34000000 ( 3.20) Transaction/COMMIT 2 ( 0.00) 356 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 356 ( 0.00) CLOG/ZEROPAGE 31 ( 0.00) 930 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 930 ( 0.00) Standby/RUNNING_XACTS 5 ( 0.00) 1937 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 1937 ( 0.00) Standby/INVALIDATIONS 4 ( 0.00) 504 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 504 ( 0.00) Heap/INSERT 993632 ( 15.45) 78494714 ( 18.40) 205874 ( 0.03) 78700588 ( 7.40) Heap/UPDATE 663845 ( 10.32) 56645461 ( 13.28) 39548 ( 0.01) 56685009 ( 5.33) Heap/HOT_UPDATE 2326238 ( 36.17) 163847160 ( 38.41) 604564022 ( 94.97) 768411182 ( 72.27) Heap/LOCK 747342 ( 11.62) 40358851 ( 9.46) 1713055 ( 0.27) 42071906 ( 3.96) Heap/INPLACE 9 ( 0.00) 1425 ( 0.00) 5160 ( 0.00) 6585 ( 0.00) Heap/INSERT+INIT 6368 ( 0.10) 503072 ( 0.12) 0 ( 0.00) 503072 ( 0.05) Heap/UPDATE+INIT 9927 ( 0.15) 839135 ( 0.20) 0 ( 0.00) 839135 ( 0.08) Btree/INSERT_LEAF 671387 ( 10.44) 42884429 ( 10.05) 19691394 ( 3.09) 62575823 ( 5.89) Btree/INSERT_UPPER 2385 ( 0.04) 170946 ( 0.04) 210384 ( 0.03) 381330 ( 0.04) Btree/SPLIT_L 1438 ( 0.02) 5107876 ( 1.20) 2613608 ( 0.41) 7721484 ( 0.73) Btree/SPLIT_R 947 ( 0.01) 3360714 ( 0.79) 1563260 ( 0.25) 4923974 ( 0.46) Btree/VACUUM 3 ( 0.00) 150 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 150 ( 0.00) -------- -------- -------- -------- Total 6431120 426603035 [40.12%] 636582462 [59.88%] 1063185497 [100%] |
設定`wal_compression = on後,生成的WAL量從6413034966減少到1063185497。
wal_compression | fillfactor | tps | 非FPI大小 | WAL總量(位元組) | FPI比例(%) | HOT_UPDATE比例(%) | 每事務產生的WAL(位元組) |
off | 100 | 12592 | 659677445 | 8255213196 | 92.60 | 44 | 8255 |
off | 90 | 13212 | 421342894 | 6413034966 | 93.43 | 81 | 6413 |
on | 90 | 12059 | 426603035 | 1063185497 | 59.88 | 78 | 1063 |
- FPI比例高於70%
- HOT_UPDATE比例低於70%
- 延長checkpoint時間間隔
導致crash恢復時間變長。crash恢復時需要回放的WAL日誌量一般小於max_wal_size的一半,WAL回放速度(wal_compression=on時)一般是50MB/s~150MB/s之間。可以根據可容忍的最大crash恢復時間(有備機時,切備機可能比等待crash恢復更快),估算出允許的max_wal_size的最大值。 - 調整fillfactor
過小的設定會浪費儲存空間,這個不難理解。另外,對於頻繁更新的表,即使把fillfactor設成100%,每個page裡還是要有一部分空間被dead tuple佔據,不會比設定一個合適的稍小的fillfactor更節省空間。 - 設定wal_compression=on
去年Uber放出了一篇把PostgreSQL說得一無是處的文章為什麼Uber宣佈從PostgreSQL切換到MySQL?給PostgreSQL帶來了很大負面影響。Uber文章中提到了PG的幾個問題,每一個都被描述成無法逾越的“巨坑”。但實際上這些問題中,除了“寫放大”,其它幾個問題要麼是無關痛癢要麼是隨著PG的版本升級早就不存在了。至於“寫放大”,也是有解的。Uber的文章裡沒有提到他們在優化WAL寫入量上做過什麼有益的嘗試,並且他們使用的PostgreSQL 9.2也是不支援wal_compression的,因此推斷他們PG資料庫很可能一直執行在20倍以上WAL寫放大的完全未優化狀態下。