WM Activating Storage Type Search啟用儲存型別搜尋(十二)
Activating Storage Type Search啟用儲存型別搜尋
For putaway or pick operations, the Warehouse Management System (WMS) must know:
For putaway or pick operations, the Warehouse Management System (WMS) must know:
into which storage types materials can be placed
from which storage types materials can be removed
In the WMS, a storage type is determined as follows:
1. In the case of a putaway, you generally know where the material for the putaway is coming from. In the case of a pick, you
from which storage types materials can be removed
In the WMS, a storage type is determined as follows:
1. In the case of a putaway, you generally know where the material for the putaway is coming from. In the case of a pick, you
generally know to where the material to be removed is to be transferred.
Information on the location from where the material is to be picked is either stored in the transfer requirement or
Information on the location from where the material is to be picked is either stored in the transfer requirement or
determined by the system using the WM movement type.
2. The system must then know into which storage type the material should be placed, or from which storage type the material
2. The system must then know into which storage type the material should be placed, or from which storage type the material
should be removed. The table "Storage type search", which you are setting here, provides this information. In this table,
you store the preferred sequence of storage types to be searched for the material for putaways or picks.
If you have activated the storage unit check, this check also influences the storage type search. In this case, the storage
If you have activated the storage unit check, this check also influences the storage type search. In this case, the storage
unit type from the transfer order is also checked against the allowed storage units per storage type. The system finds this
information via the table "Allowed storage unit types / storage type", which you are also setting here.
For further information on this subject, refer to the chapter Storage type search.
For further information on this subject, refer to the chapter Storage type search.
3. Furthermore, you can influence the storage type search using other indicators:
process indicator (for example, stock placement or removal)處理標誌(如,存和放)
storage type indicator from the material master在物料主資料中的儲存型別標誌
stock category indicator 庫存種類標識
special stock indicator 特殊庫存標識
storage class 儲存類
water pollution class (WPC) 誰汙染類
reference movement type 參考移動型別
The indicators storage class and water pollution class influence the storage type search. If you are not implementing
3. Furthermore, you can influence the storage type search using other indicators:
process indicator (for example, stock placement or removal)處理標誌(如,存和放)
storage type indicator from the material master在物料主資料中的儲存型別標誌
stock category indicator 庫存種類標識
special stock indicator 特殊庫存標識
storage class 儲存類
water pollution class (WPC) 誰汙染類
reference movement type 參考移動型別
The indicators storage class and water pollution class influence the storage type search. If you are not implementing
Hazardous Material Management, you do not need to pay attention to these parameters.
For information on how to activate Hazardous Material Management, refer to the chapter Hazardous materials".
4. As mentioned above, different indicators influence the storage type search. If, however, you are using storage type
For information on how to activate Hazardous Material Management, refer to the chapter Hazardous materials".
4. As mentioned above, different indicators influence the storage type search. If, however, you are using storage type
indicators and you also have materials with different stock categories or materials with different special stocks, the number
of required entries in the storage type search table can become quite large.
To reduce the number of entries, you can define an access strategy for the storage type search table. With the help of this
To reduce the number of entries, you can define an access strategy for the storage type search table. With the help of this
access strategy, the system determines the required entries in the storage type search table as follows:
The system first tries to find a suitable match, that is, an entry in the storage type search table with all the relevant
The system first tries to find a suitable match, that is, an entry in the storage type search table with all the relevant
indicators from the material master and, if available, from the hazardous material master.
If the system does not find a suitable entry in the storage type search table, it again tries to read this table, but this
If the system does not find a suitable entry in the storage type search table, it again tries to read this table, but this
time using the access strategy.
Set the required parameters for the "Storage type search" in the specified sequence:
1. Storage type indicator
Using the storage type indicator, you can ensure that certain materials are only removed from certain storage types or placed
1. Storage type indicator
Using the storage type indicator, you can ensure that certain materials are only removed from certain storage types or placed
into certain storage types in the order of preference you have defined.
You define the valid storage type indicators in the table for "Storage type indicators".
You define the valid storage type indicators in the table for "Storage type indicators".
2. Storage type search
Now define the sequence of storage types to be searched by the system for stock putaway and stock pick proposals.
Make sure that you enter the correct indicators for stock putaway and stock pick in the appropriate column.
If you want the system to search through the entire warehouse number for a stock pick, enter "***" (stands for stringent
Now define the sequence of storage types to be searched by the system for stock putaway and stock pick proposals.
Make sure that you enter the correct indicators for stock putaway and stock pick in the appropriate column.
If you want the system to search through the entire warehouse number for a stock pick, enter "***" (stands for stringent
FIFO) as the storage type. The system will then search the entire warehouse for the oldest stock of the material. The entry
"+++" means that the system branches to the user exit to the stringent FIFO process (MWMTO013).
If you are using the 2-step picking procedure, make sure that the destination storage type of the pick step is used as the
If you are using the 2-step picking procedure, make sure that the destination storage type of the pick step is used as the
source storage type for distributing the accumulated quantities. For the storage type search with the 2-step picking process,
define activity type "2" (Column " Activity").
3. Movement type references
In the Warehouse Management component, you can set up the system so that for each WM movement type certain storage types are
3. Movement type references
In the Warehouse Management component, you can set up the system so that for each WM movement type certain storage types are
proposed. If you want to use this mechanism, set up the necessary reference movement types for the movement types concerned.
These reference movement types must be taken into account in the table "Storage type search".
4. Access optimization for storage type search
Instructions for access strategy for the storage type search table
4. Access optimization for storage type search
Instructions for access strategy for the storage type search table
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/29829936/viewspace-1595649/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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