WM Defining Storage Section Indicator定義儲存區識別符號(十)
Defining Storage Section Indicator定義儲存區識別符號
The storage section indicator divides materials into groups with the same characteristics. With the storage
section indicator, you can assign certain material groups to special storage sections.
With this classification method, you can use the stock placement strategies in an optimum way.
Default settings
In the SAP standard system, examples are preset for warehouse numbers 001 and 002.
1. Decide whether you want to use "storage section search".決定是否使用'儲存區查詢’
2. Classify your materials according to certain criteria (for example, fast-moving items, bulky materials,
extremely heavy materials, and so on).按確定的規則分類物料(如,快速移動,大物料,極重物料)
3. Create your storage section indicators with the corresponding description.
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