SAP中Exchange rate type EURX到底幹嘛用的


SAP中Exchange rate type EURX到底幹嘛用的?
網上找了半天,發現百度什麼都語焉不詳。在sap note發現一個note解釋很清楚。
簡單說,就是針對2000年左右歐元實施的時候,把原來非歐元國家貨幣對歐元國家貨幣,比如USD:FRF 美元對法郎,因為這個法郎不再是法定貨幣,現在是EUR歐元 ,但是原來設定的兌換設計型別MM,SD的事務還存在。那麼就是引入 Alternative Exchange rate type EURX。

123819 - Exchange rate type EURX in Releases as of 4.0A


Current information:

If you start production operation with Release 4.6, the new 'Exchange rate entered at indirect quotation' function requires that you make some changes in Euro currency Customizing, which are described in detail in Note 169631 'Currency Customizing for euro on Release 4.6'.

For more detailed information on the 'Exchange rate entered at indirect quotation' refer to Note 150103 'Extent and effects of the indirect quotation'.



The following description is relevant for Release 4.0A and higher. See also Note 77984.

In particular, consider Note 120420

(collective note for Customizing of the currency tables). This note contains information as to which note has answers to detail questions for the currency Customizing.


1.) Participating and non-participating currencies


If a company maintains business relationships with third countries

(states which do not participate in the European Monetary Union), there are two options, to represent the currency translations for these business transactions by configuring the currency tables.

These are described below.

  • You can maintain relations between participating/non-participating currencies, (for example USD-DEM ) and maintain the respective exchange rates the same way as before.
    Here, you enter the direct exchange rates between the non-participating currency and the participating currency as before.
    Some of the non-participating states will want to use this alternative option.
    Since these exchange rates, (for example USD-DEM), no longer exist officially, you have to determine this exchange rate from the fixed exchange rates and the exchange rate of the non-participating currency to EUR.
    Many banks will supply these exchange rates as a service.
    Legally this option is still allowed.
  • A second alternative consists of setting up an additional exchange rate type 'EURX'. This uses the reference currency EUR. Note the following procedure:

a) First create a new exchange rate type EURX, for processing a currency translation for business transactions between a non-participating and a participating currency.

b) Every currency combination affected, for example USD to DEM, must be converted to the new calculation method. These currency combinations which up to now have been maintained in the R/3 System with exchange

rate type M must now be redirected to 'Alternative exchange rate type' 'EURX'.

For this you must insert a new, separate entry for every affected currency combination defined under exchange rate type M in Release 4.0x.

In this new entry, the diversion of exchange rate type M to 'Alternative exchange rate type' 'EURX' is carried out.

This is necessary, as the validity date for Release 4.0A becomes the key field in the table for defining the translation ratios (TCURF).

In addition, relations between non-participating currencies, (for example USD) and EUR with the respective translation ratios in the system must be newly defined. The definition is carried out on exchange rate type M with the diversion 'Alternative exchange rate type' 'EURX'.

c) Enter the exchange rates between the euro and the participating currencies with the new exchange rate type EURX.

The exchange rates between the euro and the currencies which are not participating in the European Monetary Union must be entered and regularly maintained under the exchange rate type EURX.

To illustrate the individual steps for the diversion of exchange rate type M to exchange rate type EURX, use the currency combination USD-DEM in both directions.

Since you have already created the new currency code or currency key in the first Customizing point 'Check currency codes' when you redirected combinations of two participating currencies for example, FRF-DEM from exchange type 'M' to exchange rate type 'EURO', you no longer have to do this for exchange rate type 'EURX' which also refers to the base currency EUR.

1. Step: Creating new exchange rate type EURX

---------------------------------------------------------------------| Exch. rate type |    usage     | base currency | buying rate for| ---------------------------------------------------------------------

| EURX            |              | EUR           |                |


| selling rate for | EMU conversion | ------------------------------------

|                  |          X     |


| Fixed | Bcurr=from | -----------------------

|       |    X      |

Exchange rate type 'EURX' also uses the base currency 'EUR'.

Exchange rate type 'EURX' does not know a fixing and allows the maintenance of the exchange rates (in the example, the continous exchange rate entry for EUR to USD).

The exchange rates EUR to the participating currencies are fixed.

2. Step: Define translation factors for the currency translation


In the example, the existing entries for the currency pair USD-DEM under exchange rate type M are to be redirected to 'Alternative exchange rate type' 'EURX' by 1/1/1999.

To do this, new entries must be created in the translation factors table.


Old entries under exchange rate type M for the currency pair USD-DEM ------------------------------------------------------------------------

|Exch.rte.typ|from| to |valid fr. |fctr(fr.)|fctr(to)|Alt.exch.rte.typ


|   M        | USD| DEM| 01.01.1970|   1    :       1|

|   M        | DEM| USD| 01.01.1970|   1    :       1|

New entries under exchange rate type M and diversion to the 'Alternative exchange rate type' 'EURX' for the currency pair USD-DEM:


|Exch.rte.typ|from| to | valid fr.|fctr(fr.)|fctr(to)|Alt.exch.rte.typ


|   M        | USD| DEM| 1/1/1999 |   1    :    1    | EURX

|   M        | DEM| USD| 1/1/1999 |   1    :    1    | EURX

Maintain the relations of the non-participating currencies to EUR with the respective translation factors and diversions under exchange rate type M to the 'Alternative exchange rate type' 'EURX'

(in the example USD-EUR and EUR-USD).

The relations DEM-EUR as well as EUR-DEM must not be redirected to exchange rate type EURX since they have already been redirected to exchange rate type EURO. However, they are not needed.

The relations between non-participating currencies and EUR in both directions with diversion to the 'Alternative exchange rate type' EURX for a validity date lying in the past are required, to be able to excute retroactive balance sheet comparisons / balance sheet translations (for example from USD to EUR). (additional explanations in Note 91481, chapter 2.5)


|Exch.rte.typ|from| to |valid fr. |fctr(fr.)|fctr(to)|Alt.exch.rte.typ


|   M        |USD | EUR| 1/1/1800 |       1   : 1    | EURX

|   M        |EUR | USD| 1/1/1800 |       1   : 1    | EURX

Under exchange rate type EURX, all relations with the respective translation factors which are needed for the currency translations are now to be defined in respect to the currency combination USD-DEM and DEM-USD.


|Exch.rte.typ|from| to |valid fr. |fctr(fr.)|fctr(to)|Alt.exch.rte.typ


| EURX       |USD | DEM| 1/1/1800 |      1    : 1    |

| EURX       |DEM | USD| 1/1/1800 |      1    : 1    |

| EURX       |USD | EUR| 1/1/1800 |      1    : 1    |

| EURX       |EUR | USD| 1/1/1800 |      1    : 1    |

| EURX      | EUR | DEM| 1/1/1800 |      1    : 1    |

3. Step: Entry of the exchange rates


In the Customizing step 'Enter exchange rates', maintain the necessary exchange rates under exchange rate type EURX.

The exchange rates between EUR and the non-participating currencies are also specified in the calculation by the 'certain' method.


                      EUR = x. [unit of the third currency]


The usage of the price oriented presentation is not allowed under exchange rate type EURX.

The translation factors are read from Table TCURF.


Note that the following are example values.

The fixed exchange rate EUR to DEM is announced by the European central bank on 12/31/1998 at 2 p.m. (CET).

You must regularly maintain the exchange rate EUR to USD.


|Exch.rte.typ|from| to |valid fr. |Exchange rate|fctr(fr) | fctr(to)|


| EURX       | EUR| USD| 1/1/1800 | 1,12345     |      1    :      1

| EURX       | EUR| DEM| 1/1/1800 | 1,91451     |      1    :      1

The new calculation procedure may be more complicated for the configuration of the currency tables.

However, in the long run, the maintenance of the exchange rates will be less complicated.

The exchange rates EUR for the participating currencies (in the example EUR to DEM ) must no longer be continuously maintained.

The maintenance of the exchange rates EUR to non-participating currencies is only carried out in this direction.

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