配置ORACLE RAC 由於碟符不一致造成失敗是最常見的故障之一,所以在準備階段檢測各個節點的相同碟符對應的是不是同一個lun就是必須的一個步驟,判斷是否是同一個的方法就是查詢lun id 或wwid進行對比,以下總結了各種系統下查詢lun ID的方法
# lscfg -l hdisk*
hdisk2 U789D.001.DQD3N3L-P1-C2-T1-W202B0080E517F908-L0 MPIO DS5020 Disk
hdisk3 U789D.001.DQD3N3L-P1-C1-T1-W201A0080E517F908-L1000000000000 MPIO DS5020 Disk
hdisk4 U789D.001.DQD3N3L-P1-C1-T1-W201A0080E517F908-L2000000000000 MPIO DS5020 Disk
hdisk0 U789D.001.DQD3N3L-P3-D1 SAS Disk Drive (146800 MB)
hdisk1 U789D.001.DQD3N3L-P3-D2 SAS Disk Drive (146800 MB)
# lsattr -El hdisk3
PCM PCM/friend/otherapdisk Path Control Module False
PR_key_value none Persistant Reserve Key Value True
algorithm fail_over Algorithm True
autorecovery no Path/Ownership Autorecovery True
clr_q no Device CLEARS its Queue on error True
cntl_delay_time 0 Controller Delay Time True
cntl_hcheck_int 0 Controller Health Check Interval True
dist_err_pcnt 0 Distributed Error Percentage True
dist_tw_width 50 Distributed Error Sample Time True
hcheck_cmd inquiry Health Check Command True
hcheck_interval 60 Health Check Interval True
hcheck_mode nonactive Health Check Mode True
location Location Label True
lun_id 0x1000000000000 Logical Unit Number ID False
lun_reset_spt yes LUN Reset Supported True
max_retry_delay 60 Maximum Quiesce Time True
max_transfer 0x40000 Maximum TRANSFER Size True
node_name 0x200a0080e517f908 FC Node Name False
pvid 00c3c7b6e4cdff6b0000000000000000 Physical volume identifier False
q_err yes Use QERR bit True
q_type simple Queuing TYPE True
queue_depth 10 Queue DEPTH True
reassign_to 120 REASSIGN time out value True
reserve_policy no_reserve Reserve Policy True
rw_timeout 30 READ/WRITE time out value True
scsi_id 0x10000 SCSI ID False
start_timeout 60 START unit time out value True
unique_id 3E21360080E50001816760000079D4D06808E0F1814 FAStT03IBMfcp Unique device identifier False
ww_name 0x201a0080e517f908 FC World Wide Name False
# mpio_get_config -Av
Frame id 0:
Storage Subsystem worldwide name: 608e50018167600004d6764
Controller count: 2
Partition count: 1
Partition 0:
Storage Subsystem Name = ''
hdisk LUN # Ownership User Label
hdisk2 0 A (preferred) LUN10
hdisk3 1 B (preferred) LUN11
hdisk4 2 A (preferred) LUN12
pvid 方式(推薦)
# lspv
hdisk0 00c3c7b6bf27253b rootvg active
hdisk1 00c3c7b6369c1849 rootvg active
hdisk2 00c3c7b6e4cdfeb8 None
hdisk3 00c3c7b6e4cdff6b None
hdisk4 00c3c7b6e4ce0022 None
When a
disk drive is initially added to the system it is not yet accessible for
operations. To be made accessible, it has to be assigned to a volume group,
which means changing from a disk to a physical volume. The disk drive is
assigned an identifier that is called the physical volume identifier (PVID).
The PVID is a combination of the machine's serial number and the date the PVID
was generated and it is written on the first block of the device. The AIX LVM
uses this number to identify specific disks. When a volume group is created,
the member devices are simply a list of PVIDs.
The PVID for each device is stored in the ODM when the device is configured.
The configuration program tries to read the first block of the device. If it
succeeds and the first block contains a valid PVID, the PVID value is saved as
an attribute in the ODM for that device. Once the PVID is set in the ODM, it
can be seen in the output of the lspv command. (The LVM expects the PVIDs to be
saved in the ODM, and it uses the ODM attribute when determining which device
to open.)
In a configuration with multiple paths to the same logical devices, multiple
hdisks show the same PVID in the output of lspv. When the LVM needs to open a
device, it selects the first hdisk in the list with the matching PVID.
db1:/#scsimgr lun_map -D /dev/rdisk/disk17 | grep WWID
World Wide Identifier(WWID) = 0x60022a11000344fc001adc800000000b
[root@X3850-01 ~]# for i in `cat /proc/partitions | awk {'print $4'} |grep sd`; do echo "### $i: `scsi_id -g -u -s /block/$i`"; done
### sda: 3600605b004389860173fa10644a3202f
### sda1:
### sda2:
### sda3:
### sdb: 360a980006467486561346a7457475047
### sdb1:
### sdc: 360a980006467486561346a7457476263
### sdc1:
### sdd: 360a980006467486561346a7457476778
### sde: 360a980006467486561346a7457476f79
### sdf: 360a980006467486561346a7457477476
# fcinfo logical-unit
OS Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c3t50060E8006FF0315d0s2
OS Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c3t50060E8006FF0315d1s2
OS Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c3t50060E8006FF0315d2s2
OS Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c3t50060E8006FF0315d3s2
OS Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c3t50060E8006FF0315d4s2
OS Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c2t50060E8006FF0305d0s2
OS Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c2t50060E8006FF0305d1s2
OS Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c2t50060E8006FF0305d2s2
OS Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c2t50060E8006FF0305d3s2
OS Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c2t50060E8006FF0305d4s2
#luxadm display /dev/rdsk/c3t50060E8006FF0315d1s2
DEVICE PROPERTIES for disk: /dev/rdsk/c3t50060E8006FF0315d1s2
Product ID: OPEN-V -SUN
Revision: 7005
Serial Num: 50 0FF031501
Unformatted capacity: 102400.000 MBytes
Write Cache: Enabled
Read Cache: Enabled
Minimum prefetch: 0x0
Maximum prefetch: 0x0
Device Type: Disk device
LUN path port WWN: 50060e8006ff0315
Host controller port WWN: 21000024ff4794b5
Path status: O.K.
LUN path port WWN: 50060e8006ff0305
Host controller port WWN: 21000024ff4794b4
Path status: O.K.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/17172228/viewspace-1077970/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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