Oracle Validated Configurations與Preinstall RPM


Oracle Validated Configurations 介紹

Oracle Validated Configurations致力於為企業提供更簡易、更快捷、成本更低的基於LinuxOracle VM的解決方案。該計劃向我們提供經過測試和驗證的體系架構,其附帶的文件揭示了相關硬體、軟體、儲存、網路原件的最佳配置實踐,以幫助系統提升效能和可收縮性並降低成本。從行業角度來說Oracle Validated Configurations所驗證的配置及提供的最佳實踐文件受到Oracle合作伙伴的接受和認可,Oracle Validated Configurations提供了推薦使用的軟硬體組合的部署方案細節,這些方案已被證明是十分有益的。

Oracle Enterprise Linux中提供了oracle-validated RPM軟體包,透過安裝oracle-validated RPM,實現以下功能

OEL下安裝oracle-validated RPM

yum install oracle-validated -y


1  you can register your RHEL installation with ULN and install oracle-validated using up2date.

2  You build your own local OEL/RHEL repository, install oracle-validated, import the signing key for the repository RPM packages and off you go.

oracle-validated RPM下載地址

Preinstall RPM 介紹

LINUX 6oracle-validated被取消,主要的原因之一是,“oracle-validated”名字聽起來彷彿它會建立一個驗證任何Oracle產品的環境。這變得越來越難以管理,因此甲骨文決定重新啟動它與Oracle預安裝RPM,預期將要安裝的產品包含在RPM名稱中的名稱。如: oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall-1.0-6.el6.x86_64.rpm

Preinstall RPM實現功能

1 Causes the download and installation of various software packages and specific versions needed for database installation, with package dependencies resolved via yum

2  Creates the user oracle and the groups oinstall and dba, which are the defaults used during database installation

3  Modifies kernel parameters in /etc/sysctl.conf to change settings for shared memory, semaphores, the maximum number of file descriptors, and so on

4  Sets hard and soft shell resource limits in /etc/security/limits.conf, such as the number of open files, the number of processes, and stack size to the minimum required based on the Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Server installation requirements

5  Sets numa=off in the kernel boot parameters for x86_64 machines


OEL下安裝Preinstall RPM

RED HAD下安裝Preinstall RPM

1  you can register your RHEL installation with ULN and install oracle-validated using up2date.

2  You build your own local OEL/RHEL repository, install oracle-validated, import the signing key for the repository RPM packages and off you go.


Preinstall RPM 下載地址





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