rac下一節點連線數滿導致ORA-12516以及產生Disk file operations I/O等待事件

2.weblogic 資料來源報overload。    

3.連線資料該節點時 提示 :    ORA-12516: TNS: 監聽程式找不到符合協議堆疊要求的可用處理程。
4.從另一節點進入,查詢等待事件,出現大量  Disk file operations I/O 等待 事件。

ORA-12516: TNS:listener could not find available handler with matching protocol stack
Cause: None of the known and available service handlers for the given SERVICE_NAME support the client's protocol stack: transport, session, and presentation protocols.
Action: Check to make sure that the service handlers (e.g. dispatchers) for the given SERVICE_NAME are registered with the listener, are accepting connections, and that they are properly configured to support the desired protocols.

導致ORA-12516錯誤 ,沒 有已知的和可用的服務處理程式給予SERVICE_NAME的支援客戶端的協議棧,要檢查監聽器是否註冊,當process數滿也會導致該問題。                                                                                               

Disk file operations I/O
This event is used to wait for disk file operations (for example, open, close, seek, and resize). It is also used for miscellaneous I/O operations such as block dumps and password file accesses.
Wait Time: The wait time is the actual time it takes to do the I/O
Parameter Description
FileO peration Type of file operation
fileno File identification number
filetype Type of file (for example, log file, data file, and so on)
導致Disk file operations I/O是Oracle 等待磁碟檔案操作(例如,開啟,關閉,尋求和調整大小)造成的I/O 等待事件。                                                 Disk file operations I/O

Disk file operations I/


2.找出topsql ,建立索引等(這次主要是幾條sql對300萬左右的表進行全表掃描造成的 )。  
3.輪起weblogic server。                                         

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/29863023/viewspace-1571457/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
