[ERROR]Space id in fsp header but in the page header一列
2017-09-22 10:39:05 21409 [Note] InnoDB: Database was not shutdown normally! 2017-09-22 10:39:05 21409 [Note] InnoDB: Starting crash recovery. 2017-09-22 10:39:05 21409 [Note] InnoDB: Reading tablespace information from the .ibd files... 2017-09-22 10:39:05 21409 [ERROR] InnoDB: Space id in fsp header 1416128883,but in the page header 824195850
InnoDB: Error: space id and page n:o stored in the page?
/**********************************************************************//** Reads the space id from the first page of a tablespace. @return space id, ULINT UNDEFINED if error */ ulint fsp_header_get_space_id( /*====================*/ const page_t* page) /*!< in: first page of a tablespace */ { ulint fsp_id; ulint id; fsp_id = mach_read_from_4(FSP_HEADER_OFFSET + page + FSP_SPACE_ID); id = mach_read_from_4(page + FIL_PAGE_ARCH_LOG_NO_OR_SPACE_ID); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("fsp_header_get_space_id_failure", id = ULINT_UNDEFINED;); if (id != fsp_id) { ib::error() << "Space ID in fsp header is " << fsp_id << ", but in the page header it is " << id << "."; return(ULINT_UNDEFINED); } return(id); }
- FIL_PAGE_ARCH_LOG_NO_OR_SPACE_ID:PAGE HRADER中儲存了space id在34後4位元組,也就對應了報錯中的but in the page header 824195850
- FSP_SPACE_ID:File space header中儲存了space id在38位元組後4個位元組,也就對應了報錯中的Space id in fsp header 1416128883
File space header是每一個表空間的第一個塊才會有的,儲存的資訊如下:
/* SPACE HEADER ============ File space header data structure: this data structure is contained in the first page of a space. The space for this header is reserved in every extent descriptor page, but used only in the first. */ /*-------------------------------------*/ #define FSP_SPACE_ID 0 /* space id */ #define FSP_NOT_USED 4 /* this field contained a value up to which we know that the modifications in the database have been flushed to the file space; not used now */ #define FSP_SIZE 8 /* Current size of the space in pages */ #define FSP_FREE_LIMIT 12 /* Minimum page number for which the free list has not been initialized: the pages >= this limit are, by definition, free; note that in a single-table tablespace where size < 64 pages, this number is 64, i.e., we have initialized the space about the first extent, but have not physically allocated those pages to the file */ #define FSP_SPACE_FLAGS 16 /* fsp_space_t.flags, similar to dict_table_t::flags */ #define FSP_FRAG_N_USED 20 /* number of used pages in the FSP_FREE_FRAG list */ #define FSP_FREE 24 /* list of free extents */ #define FSP_FREE_FRAG (24 + FLST_BASE_NODE_SIZE) /* list of partially free extents not belonging to any segment */ #define FSP_FULL_FRAG (24 + 2 * FLST_BASE_NODE_SIZE) /* list of full extents not belonging to any segment */ #define FSP_SEG_ID (24 + 3 * FLST_BASE_NODE_SIZE) /* 8 bytes which give the first unused segment id */ #define FSP_SEG_INODES_FULL (32 + 3 * FLST_BASE_NODE_SIZE) /* list of pages containing segment headers, where all the segment inode slots are reserved */ #define FSP_SEG_INODES_FREE (32 + 4 * FLST_BASE_NODE_SIZE) /* list of pages containing segment headers, where not all the segment header slots are reserved */
****************************************************************** This Tool Is Uesed For Find The Data In Binary format(Hexadecimal) Usage:./bcview file blocksize offset cnt-bytes! file: Is Your File Will To Find Data! blocksize: Is N kb Block.Eg: 8 Is 8 Kb Blocksize(Oracle)! Eg: 16 Is 16 Kb Blocksize(Innodb)! offset:Is Every Block Offset Your Want Start! cnt-bytes:Is After Offset,How Bytes Your Want Gets! Edtor QQ:22389860! Used gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-46) ****************************************************************** ----Current file size is :0.109375 Mb ----Current use set blockszie is 16 Kb ----Current file name is t6.ibd current block:00000000--Offset:00036--cnt bytes:08--data is:001e0000001e0000
current block:00000000--Offset:00036--cnt bytes:08--data is:001e0000001e0000
find /opt/app/mysql5/var/ -iname \*.ibd > a for i in `cat ./a`;do ./bcview $i 16 34 8 | head -15 >> a.log;done
current block:00000000--Offset:00034--cnt bytes:08--data is:31203b0a54686973
- 0X54686973 十進位制為1416128883就是報錯的Space id in fsp header 1416128883
- 0X31203b0a 十進位制為1416128883就是報錯的but in the page header 824195850
- 使用備份檔案進行恢復
- 如果這個表不重要可以移除掉ibd檔案保留frm檔案,可以正常啟動,啟動後drop掉這個表
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/7728585/viewspace-2145358/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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