



  1. 順序表實現:
  2. /*************************************************************************
  3.   > File Name: sqlist.cpp
  4.   > Author: gaopeng
  5.   > Mail: gaopp_200217@163.com
  6.   > Created Time: Wed 05 Oct 2016 02:44:35 AM CST
  7.  ************************************************************************/

  8. #include<iostream>
  9. #include<stdio.h>
  10. #include<stdlib.h>
  11. #include<string.h>
  12. #define INITSIZE 10

  13. typedef unsigned int uint;
  14. typedef int Etype;

  15. typedef struct sqlist
  16. {
  17.         Etype* elem; //pointer of sqlist base address
  18.         uint length; //current length of elem
  19.         uint m_size; //
  20. } SQLIST;

  21. void initsqlist(SQLIST* inlist)
  22. {

  23.         inlist->elem = (Etype* )malloc(sizeof(Etype)*INITSIZE + 1);
  24.         inlist->length = 0;
  25.         inlist->m_size = INITSIZE; //maxsize
  26. }

  27. void initsqlinsert(SQLIST* inlist,Etype ielem,uint postion) //insert elem before postion
  28. {

  29.         int i;
  30.         Etype* newbase;
  31.         if(postion > inlist->length + 1 || postion < 1)
  32.         {

  33.                 printf("line table must continuous or postion must>0!\n");
  34.                 exit(1);
  35.         }

  36.         if(inlist->length + 1 >= inlist->m_size ) //if memory small will give more memory
  37.         {

  38.                 if(!(newbase =(Etype* )realloc(inlist->elem,(inlist->length+INITSIZE)* sizeof(Etype)+1)))
  39.                 {

  40.                         printf("mem alloc failed!\n");
  41.                         exit(2);
  42.                 }
  43.                 inlist->elem = newbase;
  44.                 inlist->m_size = inlist->m_size+INITSIZE;
  45.         }

  46.         for(i=0;i<(inlist->length-postion+2);i++) //every elem houyi
  47.         {

  48.                 *(inlist->elem+inlist->length+1-i) = * (inlist->elem+inlist->length-i);
  49.         }
  50.         *(inlist->elem+inlist->length+1-i) = ielem; //give value
  51.         inlist->length =inlist->length+1;
  52. }

  53. void delsqldel(SQLIST* inlist,uint postion) //delete elem of postion
  54. {

  55.         int i;
  56.         if((postion > inlist->length) ||(postion <1))
  57.         {

  58.                 printf("give postion is must large than 1 and less than current length\n");
  59.         }

  60.         for(i=0;i<(inlist->length-postion) ;i++)
  61.         {

  62.                 *(inlist->elem+postion+i) = *(inlist->elem+postion+i+1);
  63.         }
  64.         inlist->length =inlist->length-1;
  65. }

  66. void view(SQLIST* inlist)
  67. {

  68.         int i;
  69.         if(inlist->length ==0 )
  70.         {

  71.                 printf("init data arrary! no data found!\n");
  72.                 exit(3);
  73.         }
  74.         for(i=0;i<inlist->length;i++)
  75.         {

  76.                 printf("node:%d values is:%d data length:%d max_size:%d \n",i,*(inlist->elem+i),inlist->length,inlist->m_size);
  77.         }
  78. }


  1. 連結串列實現:
  2. #include<iostream>
  3. #include<stdio.h>
  4. #include <stdlib.h>
  5. typedef int datatype;
  6. typedef int Etype;
  7. typedef unsigned int uint;

  8. typedef struct node
  9. {
  10.         datatype data;
  11.         struct node *next;
  12. } Node,*Nodep;

  13. typedef struct hnode
  14. {
  15.         int clenth;
  16.         Nodep headp;
  17. } Hnode,*Hnodep;

  18. typedef struct sqlist
  19. {
  20.         Etype* elem; //pointer of sqlist base address
  21.         uint length; //current length of elem
  22.         uint m_size; //
  23. } SQLIST;

  24. void initchain(Hnodep hnode,int n)
  25. {
  26.         Nodep p;
  27.         int i;
  28.         hnode->clenth = 0;
  29.         hnode->headp = (Nodep)malloc(sizeof(Node));
  30.         hnode->headp->next = NULL;
  31.         hnode->headp->data = 0;
  32.         (hnode->clenth)++;
  33.         for(i=(n-1);i>0;--i)
  34.         {
  35.                 p = (Nodep)malloc(sizeof(Node));
  36.                 p->next = hnode->headp->next;
  37.                 hnode->headp->next = p;
  38.                 p->data = 0;
  39.                 (hnode->clenth)++;
  40.         }
  41. }

  42. void initchain(Hnodep hnode,const SQLIST* sqdata)
  43. {
  44.         Nodep p;
  45.         int i;
  46.         int t=1;
  47.         int sqlen = sqdata->length;
  48.         hnode->clenth = 0;
  49.         hnode->headp = (Nodep)malloc(sizeof(Node));
  50.         hnode->headp->next = NULL;
  51.         hnode->headp->data = *(sqdata->elem);
  52.         (hnode->clenth)++;
  53.         sqlen--;
  54.         for(i=sqlen;i>0;--i)//every time insert elem after first elem and before seconed elem
  55.         {
  56.                 p = (Nodep)malloc(sizeof(Node));
  57.                 p->next = hnode->headp->next;
  58.                 hnode->headp->next = p;
  59.                 p->data = *(sqdata->elem+t);
  60.                 (hnode->clenth)++;
  61.                 t++;
  62.         }
  63. }

  64. void viewchain(Hnodep hnode)
  65. {
  66.         int i=1;
  67.         Nodep p;
  68.         int max_len;
  69.         p = hnode->headp;
  70.         max_len = hnode->clenth;

  71.         printf("Max chain length is:%d\n",max_len);
  72.         do
  73.         {
  74.                 printf("node:%d values is: %d\n",i,p->data);
  75.                 i++;

  76.         }while(p=p->next);
  77. }

  78. void getelem(Hnodep hnode,int postion)
  79. {
  80.         int i=0;
  81.         Nodep p;
  82.         if(postion > hnode->clenth || postion ==0 )
  83.         {
  84.                 printf("postion large than lenth or poastion = 0\n");
  85.                 exit(4);
  86.         }
  87.         p = hnode->headp;

  88.         while(i<postion-1)
  89.         {
  90.                 i++;
  91.                 p = p->next;
  92.         }

  93.         printf("node %d values is %d\n",i+1,p->data);

  94. }

  95. Nodep getelemp(const Hnodep hnode,int postion) //insert one elem after postion
  96. {
  97.         int i=0;
  98.         Nodep p;
  99.         if(postion > hnode->clenth || postion ==0 )
  100.         {
  101.                 printf("postion large than lenth or poastion = 0\n");
  102.                 exit(5);
  103.         }
  104.         p = hnode->headp;

  105.         while(i<postion-1)
  106.         {
  107.                 i++;
  108.                 p = p->next;
  109.         }

  110.         return p;

  111. }

  112. void addnode(Nodep inode,int postion,Hnodep hnode)//insert one elem after postion
  113. {
  114.         Nodep p;
  115.         p = getelemp(hnode,postion);
  116.         if(!p->next) //end elem?
  117.         {
  118.                 p->next = inode;
  119.                 inode->next = NULL;
  120.         }
  121.         else
  122.         {
  123.                 inode->next = p->next;
  124.                 p->next = inode;
  125.         }
  126.         hnode->clenth++;
  127. }

  128. void delnode(int postion,Hnodep hnode) //delete elem at give postion
  129. {
  130.         Nodep p1; //delete postion-1 p
  131.         Nodep p2; //delete postion p

  132.         if(postion == 1)
  133.         {
  134.                 p2 = hnode->headp->next;
  135.                 hnode->headp->next = hnode->headp->next->next;
  136.                 free(p2);
  137.         }
  138.         else
  139.         {
  140.                 p1=getelemp(hnode,postion-1);//find before delete node postion
  141.                 p2 = p1->next;
  142.                 p1->next = p1->next->next;
  143.                 free(p2);
  144.         }
  145.         hnode->clenth--;
  146. }


  1. main 函式:
  2. #include<iostream>
  3. #include<stdio.h>
  4. #include<stdlib.h>

  5. typedef unsigned int uint;
  6. typedef int Etype;
  7. typedef int datatype;

  8. typedef struct node
  9. {

  10.         datatype data;
  11.         struct node *next;
  12. } Node,*Nodep;

  13. typedef struct hnode
  14. {

  15.         int clenth;
  16.         Nodep headp;
  17. } Hnode,*Hnodep;

  18. typedef struct sqlist
  19. {

  20.         Etype* elem; //pointer of sqlist base address
  21.         uint length; //current length of elem
  22.         uint m_size; //
  23. } SQLIST;

  24. void initchain(Hnodep hnode,int n);
  25. void initchain(Hnodep hnode,const SQLIST* sqdata);
  26. void viewchain(Hnodep hnode);
  27. void view(SQLIST* inlist);
  28. void delsqldel(SQLIST* inlist,uint postion);
  29. void initsqlist(SQLIST* inlist);
  30. void initsqlinsert(SQLIST* inlist,Etype ielem,uint postion);
  31. void getelem(Hnodep hnode,int postion);
  32. void addnode(Nodep inode,int postion,const Hnodep hnode);
  33. void delnode(int postion,Hnodep hnode);

  34. int main(void)
  35. {
  36.         SQLIST a;
  37.         Hnode chd1;
  38.         Nodep newnode = (Nodep)malloc(sizeof(Node));
  39.         newnode->data=50;
  40.         newnode->next=NULL;
  41.         initsqlist(&a);
  42.         printf("insert 5 values use seq mode\n");
  43.         initsqlinsert(&a,5,1);
  44.         initsqlinsert(&a,10,1);
  45.         initsqlinsert(&a,15,1);
  46.         initsqlinsert(&a,20,1);
  47.         initsqlinsert(&a,25,1);
  48.         view(&a);
  49.         printf("\n\ninit chain use seq arrary\n");
  50.         initchain(&chd1,&a);
  51.         viewchain(&chd1);
  52.         printf("\n\nview one node at postion 3\n");
  53.         getelem(&chd1,3);
  54.     printf("\n\nadd one node after node 2\n");
  55.         addnode(newnode,2,&chd1);
  56.         viewchain(&chd1);
  57.         printf("\n\nadd one node at postion 2\n");
  58.         delnode(2,&chd1);
  59.         viewchain(&chd1);
  60.         return 0;
  61. }

g++ main.cpp chain.cpp sqlist.cpp  -W
gaopeng@bogon:~/datas/part2/chain$ ./a.out 
insert 5 values use seq mode
node:0 values is:25 data length:5 max_size:10 
node:1 values is:20 data length:5 max_size:10 
node:2 values is:15 data length:5 max_size:10 
node:3 values is:10 data length:5 max_size:10 
node:4 values is:5 data length:5 max_size:10 

init chain use seq arrary
Max chain length is:5
node:1 values is: 25
node:2 values is: 5
node:3 values is: 10
node:4 values is: 15
node:5 values is: 20

view one node at postion 3
node 3 values is 10

add one node after node 2
Max chain length is:6
node:1 values is: 25
node:2 values is: 5
node:3 values is: 50
node:4 values is: 10
node:5 values is: 15
node:6 values is: 20

add one node at postion 2
Max chain length is:5
node:1 values is: 25
node:2 values is: 50
node:3 values is: 10
node:4 values is: 15
node:5 values is: 20

可以看到我初始化的連結串列為 25 5 10 15 20 檢視第三個元素為 10 在位置2後面插入一個元素50 變為
 25 5 50 10 15 20 刪除位置2元素變為了 25  50 10 15 20 

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/7728585/viewspace-2125007/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
