MyEclipse 最新svn外掛安裝
Subclipse is available in the Eclipse Marketplace and can be installed via the Marketplace Client. It is also available at the following update site URL's.
NOTE: These are update site URL's to be entered inside the Eclipse installation dialog, not your web browser.
Latest -
4.2.x -
The "latest" site will automatically move on to 4.2.1, 4.3.0, 5.0.0 etc. as those releases are produced. Where as the "4.2.x" site will only pick up new releases in the 4.2.x series such as 4.2.1, 4.2.2 etc.
There is also a p2 repository for each specific release. These only contain Subclipse and do not pull in the optional plugins that the primary sites do. These sites are mainly for internal use and third party packagers.
If you have problems upgrading from one of the legacy 1.x.y versions, see the FAQ
Zipped update sites are also available for download.
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