Thread 1 cannot allocate new log


轉Thread 1 cannot allocate new log  

2012-03-19 15:12:00|  分類: ORA等錯誤處理 |  標籤: |字號 


Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 6166

Private strand flush not complete


當系統要重新利用某個日誌檔案的時候,系統需要將該日誌檔案所包括的buffer cache 中的dirty block 寫到相應的資料檔案。由於對於一個資料庫操作而言,它可能產生的redo 量僅僅是幾十位元組,但是對於buffer cache中確是一個block (一般為8k)。所以,對於一個僅僅是幾百M的日誌檔案,它所保護的buffer cache 可能是幾個G

一旦發生"Thread 1 cannot allocate new log",表明系統的checkpoint 沒有來得及完成,也就是說 buffer cache 中的dirty data還沒有完全寫到資料檔案,就已經有大量的日誌需要寫入到系統。而系統只能通知應用:checkpoint 還沒有完成,你只能等待。這個時候,系統就基本處於hang 狀態了 When the database waits on checkpoints,redo generation is stopped until the log switch is done

如果,我們在這個時候檢視系統資訊,就會發現:v$log中的日誌狀態大多處於active 狀態; v$session_wait 中會有很多log file switch 事件的發生

解決辦法: a. 新增更多的日誌檔案  b. 加大checkpoint 觸發的頻度  c. 減小redo log 的size d. 提高DBWR的效率 e. 為了更好的瞭解系統的執行,可以設定

log_checkpoint_interval = 0

log_checkpoint_timeout = 0



9i以後可能大家都喜歡透過設定fast_start_mttr_target來控制instance recovery的粒度。但是仍然有兩個引數一直影響著我們的checkpoint,就是他們:

從效能最佳化的角度來說,建議log_checkpoint_interval=redologfilesizebytes / 512bytes,根據我們的online redo file的大小來指定我們資料塊的個數.
from concept:
LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL specifies the frequency of checkpoints(用來指定檢查點發生的頻率) in terms of the number of redo log file blocks that can exist between an incremental checkpoint and the last block written to the redo log. This number refers to physical operating system blocks, not database blocks.
Regardless of this value, a checkpoint always occurs when switching from one online redo log file to another. Therefore, if the value exceeds the actual redo log file size, checkpoints occur only when switching logs. Checkpoint frequency is one of the factors that influence the time required for the database to recover from an unexpected failure.  

LOG_CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT specifies (in seconds) the amount of time that has passed since the incremental checkpoint at the position where the last write to the redo log (sometimes called the tail of the log) occurred. This parameter also signifies that no buffer will remain dirty (in the cache) for more than integer seconds.
Specifying a value of 0 for the timeout disables time-based checkpoints. Hence, setting the value to 0 is not recommended unless FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is set.

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