cygwin 多使用者 /bin/bash: Operation not permitted
Apologies for spamming but I think this fix needs to be automated in
ssh-host-config and updated in the cygwin FAQ.
Like many users I've been struggling with this obscure bug that allows one
to log on with ssh only as the priviledged user (cyg_server in my case).
Attempts under another user succeed in all modes of authentication (password,
RSA, DSA, whatever), but then get disconnected with the esoteric line:
/bin/bash: Operation not permitted
It turns out this has nothing to with bash, but rather with the usser
cyg_server needing specific NTSEC rights to allow logons as other users.
The fix was found here:
Specifically, ssh-host-config needs these following lines:
editrights -a SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege -u cyg_server (cyg_server為服務啟動使用者)
editrights -a SeCreateTokenPrivilege -u cyg_server
editrights -a SeTcbPrivilege -u cyg_server
editrights -a SeServiceLogonRight -u cyg_server
#editrights -l -u cyg_server
Francis Korning de Grandpre
enterprise software architect
fkorning at yahoo dot ca
ssh-host-config and updated in the cygwin FAQ.
Like many users I've been struggling with this obscure bug that allows one
to log on with ssh only as the priviledged user (cyg_server in my case).
Attempts under another user succeed in all modes of authentication (password,
RSA, DSA, whatever), but then get disconnected with the esoteric line:
/bin/bash: Operation not permitted
It turns out this has nothing to with bash, but rather with the usser
cyg_server needing specific NTSEC rights to allow logons as other users.
The fix was found here:
Specifically, ssh-host-config needs these following lines:
editrights -a SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege -u cyg_server (cyg_server為服務啟動使用者)
editrights -a SeCreateTokenPrivilege -u cyg_server
editrights -a SeTcbPrivilege -u cyg_server
editrights -a SeServiceLogonRight -u cyg_server
#editrights -l -u cyg_server
Francis Korning de Grandpre
enterprise software architect
fkorning at yahoo dot ca
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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