Please set RAT_ELRACKTYPE and try again

[root@el01cn01 exachk]# ./exachk 

Unable to determine rack type. Please set RAT_ELRACKTYPE and try again

在Oracle MOS中發現瞭解決方法

Error 1:

Unable to determine rack type. Please set RAT_ELRACKTYPE and try again.

Error 2:

Could not open device at /dev/ipmi0 or /dev/ipmi/0 or /dev/ipmidev/0: No such file or directory
Sun OEM cli command failed

Unable to determine rack type. Please set RAT_ELRACKTYPE and try again

Solution: To address this issue you can implement one of below 2 solutions.

  1. Set the RAT_ELRACKTYPE environment variable for an eight rack (0), quarter rack (1), half rack (2), or full rack (3) Exalogic machine, before re-running Exachk, using the command like the following:

    export RAT_ELRACKTYPE="3"

  2. Copy exalogic_machine.conf from one of the other nodes where the config file is present. The file is located at /opt/exalogic/usr/lib/init-exalogic-node/exalogic_machine.conf

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