


Which two statements are true about Shared SQL Area and Private SQL Area? (Choose two.)

A.Shared SQL Area will be allocated in the shared pool.

B.Shared SQL Area will be allocated when a session starts.

C.Shared SQL Area will be allocated in the large pool always.

D.Private SQL Area will be allocated in the Program Global Area (PGA) always.

E.Shared SQL Area and Private SQL Area will be allocated in the PGA or large pool.

F.The number of Private SQL Area allocations is dependent on the OPEN_CURSORS parameter.

Answer: AF  

Shared SQL Area儲存著SQL的執行計劃等資訊,可以被多個session共享,該component儲存在SGA中
Private SQL Area 包括繫結變數等資訊,每個session的這類資訊都不一樣,為session所獨有(PGA)。且在Private SQL Area 儲存一個指向shared SQL area ( SGA )中共享SQL的指標,與OPEN_CURSORS引數相關。

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