Redis 叢集原理與使用
Redis 在2014年11月3日release了3.0.0-RC1版本 其中含有萬眾期待的叢集功能
(補充 2015年1月13日釋出了RC2版本)
在github上很多人都開始測試叢集版本 目前尚不穩定 變更還是比較大
Redis Cluster採用無中心結構,每個節點儲存資料和整個叢集狀態,每個節點都和其他所有節點連線。
Redis叢集預分好16384個桶,根據 CRC16(key) mod 16384的值,決定將一個key放到哪個桶中。
例如,假設Redis Cluster三個節點A/B/C,則 Node A 包含桶的編號可以為: 0 到 5500. Node B 包含桶的編號可以為: 5500 到 11000. Node C包含桶的編號可以為: 11001 到 16384. 當發生Redis節點的增減時,調整桶的分佈即可。
為了保證服務的可用性,Redis Cluster採取的方案是的Master-Slave 每個Redis Node可以有一個或者多個Slave。
當Master掛掉時,選舉一個Slave形成新的Master 一個Redis Node包含一定量的桶,當這些桶對應的Master和Slave都掛掉時,這部分桶對應的資料不可用
Redis Cluster使用非同步複製,一個完整的寫操作步驟: 1.client寫資料到master 2.master告訴client "ok" 3.master傳播更新到slave 存在資料丟失的風險: 1. 上述寫步驟1)和2)成功後,master crash,而此時資料還沒有傳播到slave 2. 由於分割槽導致同時存在兩個master,client向舊的master寫入了資料。
Redis Cluster支援線上增/減節點。
基於桶的資料分佈方式大大降低了遷移成本,只需將資料桶從一個Redis Node遷移到另一個Redis Node即可完成遷移。
當桶從一個Node A向另一個Node B遷移時,Node A和Node B都會有這個桶,Node A上桶的狀態設定為MIGRATING,Node B上桶的狀態被設定為IMPORTING 當客戶端請求時: 所有在Node A上的請求都將由A來處理,所有不在A上的key都由Node B來處理。同時,Node A上將不會建立新的key
我在本機上搭建了一個Redis叢集 作為測試使用 其中學習過程紀錄在此
- 577 ################################ REDIS CLUSTER ###############################
- 578 #
- 579 # 單機版本Redis例項不能作為叢集的一部分;
- 580 # 只有以cluster node啟動的節點可以加入叢集
- 581 # 為了以叢集啟動Redis例項需要開啟下列引數
- 582 #
- 583 cluster-enabled yes
- 584
- 585 # 叢集中每個節點都有一個配置檔案
- 586 # 這個檔案並不需要手動配置
- 587 # 這個配置檔案有Redis生成並更新
- 588 # 每個Redis叢集節點需要一個單獨的配置檔案
- 589 # 請確保與例項執行的系統中配置檔名稱不衝突
- 590 #
- 591 cluster-config-file nodes-6379.conf
- 592
- 593 # 叢集節點超時毫秒數Cluster node timeout is the amount of milliseconds a node must be unreachable
- 594 # for it to be considered in failure state.
- 595 # Most other internal time limits are multiple of the node timeout.
- 596 #
- 597 cluster-node-timeout 15000
- 598
- 599 # 如果資料太老的話失敗的master A slave of a failing master will avoid to start a failover if its data
- 600 # looks too old.
- 601 #
- 602 # slave有一個簡單的方法用來度量其資料生命週期
- 603 # 以下的兩個檢測將被執行:
- 604 #
- 605 # 1) 如果失連節點關聯了多個slave, slave之間會交換資訊
- 606 # 用來確定slave之間的最佳複製位置(處理了master
- 607 # 發來的資料最多).
- 608 # Slaves 之間會嘗試根據偏移量進行排名, 用於啟動and apply to the start
- 609 # of the failover a delay proportional to their rank.
- 610 #
- 611 # 2) Every single slave computes the time of the last interaction with
- 612 # its master. This can be the last ping or command received (if the master
- 613 # is still in the "connected" state), or the time that elapsed since the
- 614 # disconnection with the master (if the replication link is currently down).
- 615 # If the last interaction is too old, the slave will not try to failover
- 616 # at all.
- 617 #
- 618 # The point "2" can be tuned by user. Specifically a slave will not perform
- 619 # the failover if, since the last interaction with the master, the time
- 620 # elapsed is greater than:
- 621 #
- 622 # (node-timeout * slave-validity-factor) + repl-ping-slave-period
- 623 #
- 624 # 舉個例子 如果節點超時時間為三十秒, 並且slave-validity-factor為10,
- 625 # 假設預設的 repl-ping-slave-period 是十秒,
- 626 # 如果310秒slave 將不會嘗試進行故障轉移 if it was not able to talk with the master
- 627 # for longer than 310 seconds.
- 628 #
- 629 # A large slave-validity-factor may allow slaves with too old data to failover
- 630 # a master, while a too small value may prevent the cluster from being able to
- 631 # elect a slave at all.
- 632 #
- 633 # For maximum availability, it is possible to set the slave-validity-factor
- 634 # to a value of 0, which means, that slaves will always try to failover the
- 635 # master regardless of the last time they interacted with the master.
- 636 # (However they'll always try to apply a delay proportional to their
- 637 # offset rank).
- 638 #
- 639 # 當叢集中所有分割槽恢復時,叢集可以繼續正常執行,
- 640 # 需要把這個值設為零.
- 641 #
- 642 cluster-slave-validity-factor 10
- 643
- 644 # 叢集中slave可以遷移成為孤立的masterCluster slaves are able to migrate to orphaned masters, that are masters
- 645 # that are left without working slaves. This improves the cluster ability
- 646 # to resist to failures as otherwise an orphaned master can't be failed over
- 647 # in case of failure if it has no working slaves.
- 648 #
- 649 # Slaves migrate to orphaned masters only if there are still at least a
- 650 # given number of other working slaves for their old master. This number
- 651 # is the "migration barrier". A migration barrier of 1 means that a slave
- 652 # will migrate only if there is at least 1 other working slave for its master
- 653 # and so forth. It usually reflects the number of slaves you want for every
- 654 # master in your cluster.
- 655 #
- 656 # 預設情況下是1(slaves 只有在master關聯到至少一個slave時才會觸發遷移過程).
- 657 # 設定一個很大的值可以禁止遷移觸發.
- 658 # 在除錯環境下可以設為0
- 659 # 在生產環境下這麼做風險較大
- 660 #
- 661 cluster-migration-barrier 1
- 662
- 663 # 預設情況下Redis叢集各節點在檢測到至少一個hash槽位遺漏的情況下會停止處理查詢請求
- 664 # (不可達節點會處理這個遺漏的槽位)
- 665 # 在這種情況下如果叢集部分節點當機(例如部分hash槽位沒有被分配)
- 666 # 會造成整個叢集不可用.
- 667 # 叢集直到所有槽位均被分配時才自動回覆為可用狀態.
- 668 #
- 669 # 但是有時我們希望叢集的一個子集正常工作,
- 670 # 對active的部分keyspace繼續接收並執行請求.
- 671 # 為達到這種效果, 請將cluster-require-full-coverage
- 672 # 設定為no.
- 673 #
- 674 cluster-require-full-coverage yes
在Redis src目錄下 有一個redis-tribe.rb ruby指令碼用於新建Redis叢集
首先需要使用gem安裝ruby redis client:
- gem install redis
- Usage: redis-trib
- create host1:port1 ... hostN:portN
- --replicas
- check host:port
- fix host:port
- reshard host:port
- --from
- --to
- --slots
- --yes
- add-node new_host:new_port existing_host:existing_port
- --slave
- --master-id
- del-node host:port node_id
- set-timeout host:port milliseconds
- call host:port command arg arg .. arg
- import host:port
- --from
- help (show this help)
- >>> Creating cluster
- Connecting to node OK
- Connecting to node OK
- Connecting to node OK
- Connecting to node OK
- Connecting to node OK
- Connecting to node OK
- >>> Performing hash slots allocation on 6 nodes...
- Using 3 masters:
- Adding replica to
- Adding replica to
- Adding replica to
- M: 317fd61eea7cecbc1d919a028657af955e654c0d
- slots:0-5460 (5461 slots) master
- M: 3f3e200b6fa6c73e72ad4caa73d53a611b126981
- slots:5461-10922 (5462 slots) master
- M: 06bcc9edcb10b2fcc6d19f1e4a19ad9c3cd6082e
- slots:10923-16383 (5461 slots) master
- S: 699c827a885bcfe4833693f4ce37b22102bd9ee9
- replicates 317fd61eea7cecbc1d919a028657af955e654c0d
- S: d5dc58114b0840a81e5f2ff9402a92b0e12f7544
- replicates 3f3e200b6fa6c73e72ad4caa73d53a611b126981
- S: 22770332720330ec3b27b806edf8c8aaf1eccadc
- replicates 06bcc9edcb10b2fcc6d19f1e4a19ad9c3cd6082e
- Can I set the above configuration? (type 'yes' to accept): yes
- >>> Nodes configuration updated
- >>> Assign a different config epoch to each node
- >>> Sending CLUSTER MEET messages to join the cluster
- Waiting for the cluster to join..
- >>> Performing Cluster Check (using node
- M: 317fd61eea7cecbc1d919a028657af955e654c0d
- slots:0-5460 (5461 slots) master
- M: 3f3e200b6fa6c73e72ad4caa73d53a611b126981
- slots:5461-10922 (5462 slots) master
- M: 06bcc9edcb10b2fcc6d19f1e4a19ad9c3cd6082e
- slots:10923-16383 (5461 slots) master
- M: 699c827a885bcfe4833693f4ce37b22102bd9ee9
- slots: (0 slots) master
- replicates 317fd61eea7cecbc1d919a028657af955e654c0d
- M: d5dc58114b0840a81e5f2ff9402a92b0e12f7544
- slots: (0 slots) master
- replicates 3f3e200b6fa6c73e72ad4caa73d53a611b126981
- M: 22770332720330ec3b27b806edf8c8aaf1eccadc
- slots: (0 slots) master
- replicates 06bcc9edcb10b2fcc6d19f1e4a19ad9c3cd6082e
- [OK] All nodes agree about slots configuration.
- >>> Check for open slots...
- >>> Check slots coverage...
- [OK] All 16384 slots covered.
Setting up a cluster involves a few different moving parts. Here are a few things to try so we can figure out where you're stuck:
make sure each redis-server is running in its own directory
make sure you can reach the Redis port and Redis port + 10000 (example: port 6379 and port 16379, or port 7000 and port 17000)
provide the command line and cluster-related configuration used to start Redis
provide the nodes.conf (or whatever you named cluster-config-file) for each server after the failure or timeout of redis-trib.
provide any output from your redis-server instances
if the output doesn't look useful, move to a different log level and try again
CLUSTER SLOTS用於檢視槽位與Redis例項之間的對映關係 其中返回的結構如下:
master Host/Port
各個slave Host/Port
[1] Redis Cluster a pragmatic approach to distribution
[2] How Twitter Uses Redis To Scale - 105TB RAM, 39MM QPS, 10,000+ Instances
[4] redis-benchmark cannot work on Redis Cluster
[5] Redis Cluster(Redis 3.X)設計要點
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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