開啟執行計劃set autotrace on

SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/utlxplan
Table created.
2. 建立同義詞為了多個使用者可以共享一個plan_table 並授權給public
SQL> create public synonym plan_table for plan_table;
Synonym created.
SQL> grant all on plan_table to public;
Grant succeeded.
3.建立plustrace 角色
SQL> @?/sqlplus/admin/plustrce.sql   執行這個指令碼就可以了。

SQL> drop role plustrace;
drop role plustrace
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01919: role 'PLUSTRACE' does not exist

SQL> create role plustrace;
Role created.
SQL> grant select on v_$sesstat to plustrace;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant select on v_$statname to plustrace;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant select on v_$mystat to plustrace;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant plustrace to dba with admin option;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> set echo off
sql>grant plustrace to public;
完成以上幾步就可以使用autotrace 功能
set autotrace off  預設為不開啟
set autotrace on  檢視執行計劃和查詢資訊
set autotrace traceonly 只顯示執行計劃,但不顯示查詢輸出

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/26442936/viewspace-715588/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
