RMAN 全庫備份和 0級備份的區別
Restrictions and Usage Notes
The target database must be mounted or open. You do not have to take a datafile offline if you are performing block media recovery on it.
You can only perform. complete media recovery of individual blocks. Point-in-time recovery of individual data blocks is not supported.
You can only perform. block media recovery on corrupt blocks.
Blocks marked media corrupt are not accessible until recovery completes.
You cannot perform. block media recovery when using a backup control file.
You cannot use proxy backups to perform. block media recovery. If the only backups that you have are proxy backups, then you can restore them to a nondefault location on disk, which causes RMAN to view the restored files as datafile copies. You can then use the datafile copies for block media recovery.
You must have a full backup of the file containing the corrupt blocks: block media recovery cannot use incremental backups.
If RMAN fails to access a specific archived redo log file needed for block media recovery, it performs restore failover, trying all other backups listed in the RMAN repository that are suitable for use in this operation, and only fails if no suitable backup is available. See for details on restore failover.
Block media recovery cannot survive a missing or inaccessible archived log, although it can sometimes survive missing or inaccessible records ( ).
The datafile header block (block 1) cannot be recovered.
You cannot perform. block media recovery in NOARCHIVELOG mode.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/26442936/viewspace-719229/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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- rman 備份指令碼指令碼
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- 【RMAN】同時建立多個備份(建立多重備份)
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- RMAN備份恢復技巧
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- [20190522]rman備份問題.txt
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