redis報錯Windows error 0x70

[7736] 10 Aug 21:39:42.974 #
The Windows version of Redis allocates a large memory mapped file for sharing
the heap with the forked process used in persistence operations. This file
will be created in the current working directory or the directory specified by
the `dir` directive in the .conf file. Windows is reporting that there is
insufficient disk space available for this file (Windows error 0x70).

You may fix this problem by either reducing the size of the Redis heap with
the --maxheap flag, or by starting redis from a working directory with
sufficient space available for the Redis heap.

Please see the documentation included with the binary distributions for more
details on the --maxheap flag.

Redis can not continue. Exiting.

前幾天在處理沂源伺服器時redis報了這個錯誤,我很是為難,忽然靈機一動百度一下 發現瞭解決辦法

# maxheap <bytes>
maxheap 1024000000

只需要指定一下 最大的值就可以了
