今天要做一個高版本到低版本的遷移,Oracle11.2.0.4 到Oracle10.2.0.4
. . exporting table SYS_IMPORT_SCHEMA_01 2847 rows exported
EXP-00091: Exporting questionable statistics.
EXP-00091: Exporting questionable statistics.
EXP-00091: Exporting questionable statistics.
. . exporting table SYS_IMPORT_SCHEMA_01 2847 rows exported
EXP-00091: Exporting questionable statistics.
EXP-00091: Exporting questionable statistics.
EXP-00091: Exporting questionable statistics.
[oracle@DC214QB2X-2950 ~]$ oerr exp 00091
00091, 00000, "Exporting questionable statistics."
// *Cause: Export was able export statistics, but the statistics may not be
// usuable. The statistics are questionable because one or more of
// the following happened during export: a row error occurred, client
// character set or NCHARSET does not match with the server, a query
// clause was specified on export, only certain partitions or
// subpartitions were exported, or a fatal error occurred while
// processing a table.
// *Action: To export non-questionable statistics, change the client character
// set or NCHARSET to match the server, export with no query clause,
// export complete tables. If desired, import parameters can be
// supplied so that only non-questionable statistics will be imported,
// and all questionable statistics will be recalculated.
[oracle@DC214QB2X-2950 ~]$
1. 我們來檢視DB中NLS_CHARACTERSET的值(提供兩種方法):
select * from nls_database_parameters t where t.parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET'
select * from v$nls_parameters where parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET'
[oracle@DC214QB2X-2950 ~]$ echo $NLS_LANG
NLS_LANG的輸出為american_america.zhs16gbk。 ------與DB中的NLS_CHARACTERSET不同。
3. 根據第一步中查出的NLS_CHARACTERSET 來設定exp的環境變數。
[oracle@DC214QB2X-2950 ~]$ export NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8
[oracle@DC214QB2X-2950 ~]$ echo $NLS_LANG
4. 設定完成後再盡心exp匯出操作沒有報錯。
[oracle@DC214QB2X-2950 ~]$ oerr exp 00091
00091, 00000, "Exporting questionable statistics."
// *Cause: Export was able export statistics, but the statistics may not be
// usuable. The statistics are questionable because one or more of
// the following happened during export: a row error occurred, client
// character set or NCHARSET does not match with the server, a query
// clause was specified on export, only certain partitions or
// subpartitions were exported, or a fatal error occurred while
// processing a table.
// *Action: To export non-questionable statistics, change the client character
// set or NCHARSET to match the server, export with no query clause,
// export complete tables. If desired, import parameters can be
// supplied so that only non-questionable statistics will be imported,
// and all questionable statistics will be recalculated.
[oracle@DC214QB2X-2950 ~]$
1. 我們來檢視DB中NLS_CHARACTERSET的值(提供兩種方法):
select * from nls_database_parameters t where t.parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET'
select * from v$nls_parameters where parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET'
[oracle@DC214QB2X-2950 ~]$ echo $NLS_LANG
NLS_LANG的輸出為american_america.zhs16gbk。 ------與DB中的NLS_CHARACTERSET不同。
3. 根據第一步中查出的NLS_CHARACTERSET 來設定exp的環境變數。
[oracle@DC214QB2X-2950 ~]$ export NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8
[oracle@DC214QB2X-2950 ~]$ echo $NLS_LANG
4. 設定完成後再盡心exp匯出操作沒有報錯。
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/21374452/viewspace-2132550/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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- EXP-00091錯誤解決
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- EXP-00091: Exporting questionable statistics 處理辦法Export
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