

  1.   SELECT to_char(createtime,'yyyy-mm-dd') createtime,count(*) c
  2.   FROM
  3.   mvbox_space.user_comment
  4.   where createtime>=trunc(sysdate - interval '7' day)
  5.   and createtime<trunc(sysdate)
  6.   group by to_char(createtime,'yyyy-mm-dd')

這塊一般都是 固定行數 行轉列 處理,但是每天的日期是變化的,行轉列的值不能寫死.


  1. select
  2. max(case when lv=1 then nvl(t2.c,0) else null end) || '' c,
  3. max(case when lv=2 then nvl(t2.c,0) else null end) || '' c,
  4. max(case when lv=3 then nvl(t2.c,0) else null end) || '' c,
  5. max(case when lv=4 then nvl(t2.c,0) else null end) || '' c,
  6. max(case when lv=5 then nvl(t2.c,0) else null end) || '' c,
  7. max(case when lv=6 then nvl(t2.c,0) else null end) || '' c,
  8. max(case when lv=7 then nvl(t2.c,0) else null end) || '' c
  9. from (
  10.   select to_char(trunc(sysdate)-numtodsinterval(level, 'day'),'yyyy-mm-dd') dt,level lv from dual connect by level <=7
  11. ) t1
  12. left join(
  13.   SELECT to_char(createtime,'yyyy-mm-dd') createtime,count(*) c
  14.   FROM
  15.   mvbox_space.user_comment
  16.   where createtime>=trunc(sysdate - interval '7' day)
  17.   and createtime<trunc(sysdate)
  18.   group by to_char(createtime,'yyyy-mm-dd')
  19. ) t2 on (t1.dt=t2.createtime);


  1. select
  2. max(case when level=1 then to_char(trunc(sysdate)-numtodsinterval(level, 'day'),'yyyy-mm-dd') else null end) || '' c,
  3. max(case when level=2 then to_char(trunc(sysdate)-numtodsinterval(level, 'day'),'yyyy-mm-dd') else null end) || '' c,
  4. max(case when level=3 then to_char(trunc(sysdate)-numtodsinterval(level, 'day'),'yyyy-mm-dd') else null end) || '' c,
  5. max(case when level=4 then to_char(trunc(sysdate)-numtodsinterval(level, 'day'),'yyyy-mm-dd') else null end) || '' c,
  6. max(case when level=5 then to_char(trunc(sysdate)-numtodsinterval(level, 'day'),'yyyy-mm-dd') else null end) || '' c,
  7. max(case when level=6 then to_char(trunc(sysdate)-numtodsinterval(level, 'day'),'yyyy-mm-dd') else null end) || '' c,
  8. max(case when level=7 then to_char(trunc(sysdate)-numtodsinterval(level, 'day'),'yyyy-mm-dd') else null end) || '' c
  9. from dual connect by level <=7
  10. union all
  11. select
  12. max(case when lv=1 then nvl(t2.c,0) else null end) || '' c,
  13. max(case when lv=2 then nvl(t2.c,0) else null end) || '' c,
  14. max(case when lv=3 then nvl(t2.c,0) else null end) || '' c,
  15. max(case when lv=4 then nvl(t2.c,0) else null end) || '' c,
  16. max(case when lv=5 then nvl(t2.c,0) else null end) || '' c,
  17. max(case when lv=6 then nvl(t2.c,0) else null end) || '' c,
  18. max(case when lv=7 then nvl(t2.c,0) else null end) || '' c
  19. from (
  20.   select to_char(trunc(sysdate)-numtodsinterval(level, 'day'),'yyyy-mm-dd') dt,level lv from dual connect by level <=7
  21. ) t1
  22. left join(
  23.   SELECT to_char(createtime,'yyyy-mm-dd') createtime,count(*) c
  24.   FROM
  25.   mvbox_space.user_comment
  26.   where createtime>=trunc(sysdate - interval '7' day)
  27.   and createtime<trunc(sysdate)
  28.   group by to_char(createtime,'yyyy-mm-dd')
  29. ) t2 on (t1.dt=t2.createtime)
  30. ;


來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/29254281/viewspace-2144381/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
