sap brtools發起oracle備份失敗,tsm備份軟體備份報錯
BKI4008E: File
'/oracle/M51/sapdata3/sr3_11/sr3.data11' cannot be opened. Reason: errno(22) A system call received a parameter that is not valid.
BKI1208W: The object '/oracle/M51/sapdata3/sr3_11/sr3.data11' will be retried [2].
BKI0027I: Time: 08/19/13 15:26:18 Object: 26 of 66 in process: /oracle/M51/sapdata3/sr3_11/sr3.data11 Size: 9.766 GB, MGMNT-CLASS: PI_HR_MDNON_CLASS, TSM-Server: TSM85_TDP_ORACLE@ .
BKI4008E: File '/oracle/M51/sapdata3/sr3_11/sr3.data11' cannot be opened. Reason: errno(22) A system call received a parameter that is not valid.
BKI1208W: The object
'/oracle/M51/sapdata3/sr3_11/sr3.data11' will be retried [3]
原因:資料庫剛剛從10g升級到11g,10g時 tsm要求mount oracle檔案系統時候要加上-o cio引數,升級11g以後不再需要該引數,詳情參考下面note
解決方法:檢視SAP Note 948294
AIX 6.1 with Oracle >=
AIX 6.1 introduced a new open flag O_CIOR which is same as O_CIO, but this
allows subsequent open calls without CIO. The advantage of this enhancement
is that other applications like cp, dd, cpio, dbv can access database files
in read only mode without having to open them with CIO.
Starting with Oracle when AIX 6.1 is detected, Oracle will
use O_CIOR option to open a file on JFS2.
Therefore you should no longer mount the filesystems with mount option -o
Please remove the mount option "-o cio" if you are running Oracle
on AIX 6.1 to avoid the following error messages:
cp: A system call received a parameter that is not valid.
0653-902 Cannot open the specified file for reading.
DBV-00100: Specified FILE not accessible
errno(22) A system call received a parameter that is not valid.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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