原創 轉載請註明出處
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In addition to tuning, it may also be worthwhile to check the index’s clustering factor if the execution plan calls fortable access by index rowid. The clustering factor of an index defines how ordered the rows are in the table. It affects the number of I/Os required for the whole operation. If the DBA_INDEXES.CLUSTERING_FACTOR of the index approaches the number of blocks in the table, then most of the rows in the table are ordered. This is desirable. However, if the clustering factor approaches the number of rows in the table, it means the rows in the table are randomly ordered. In this case, it is unlikely for the index entries in the same leaf block to point to rows in the same block, and thus it requires more I/Os to complete the operation. You can improve the index’s clustering factor by rebuilding the table so that rows are ordered according to the index key and rebuilding the index thereafter. What happens if the table has more than one index? Well, that is the downside. You can only cater to the most used index.
SQL> create table test10
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