Dictionary Objects |
GV |
GV |
V_ |
V_ |
V_ |
V_ |
(table) |
V_ |
GV |
V_ |
GV |
V_ |
GV |
V_ |
GV |
V_ |
GV |
V_ |
GV |
WM |
GV |
WM |
GV |
WM |
Lock Definitions |
Descriptions |
Name |
Description |
sub-share |
Can be used on an aggregate object to indicate
that share locks are being aquired on sub-parts of the object. |
sub-exclusive |
Can be used on an aggregate object to indicate that exclusive locks are being aquired on sub-parts of the object. |
share-sub-exclusive |
Indicates that the entire aggregate object has a share lock, but some of the sub-parts may additionally have exclusive locks. |
Lock Escalation |
How to make lock escalation look good |
Subject: Re: How to make lock escalation look good...
Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 14:03:35 GMT
From: "Jim Kennedy"
I've worked with DB2 and it requires throwing most transactions out the
window. Worse than that dynamic sql MUST be followed immediately by a
commit or no one else can do one. (their query tool does this for you) DB2
does NOT do dynamic sql; it does static sql. What it does with "dynamic"
sql is create a plan and bind it in then run it - turning dynamic to static
and that puts a lock on the plan table until you commit. So anyone else
running dynamic sql can't until you commit. (plan table is a source of
serialization for the entire system). When I worked with it (DB2 on a
mainframe) we had to make sure all DML had a commit immediately after it. |
Lock Demo |
Locking Demo |
Session 1 |
Session 2 |
conn / as sysdba |
conn scott/tiger |
SET deptno=deptno+10
WHERE deptno < 40; |
SELECT username, gv.sid,
TRUNC(id1/power(2,16)) rbs,
BITAND(id1,TO_NUMBER('ffff','xxxx'))+0 slot, id2 seq,
lmode, request
FROM gv, gv
WHERE gv.type = 'TX'
AND gv.sid = gv.sid
AND gv.username = 'SCOTT';
FROM gv; |
rollback; |
Lock Table |
Table Locking |
uwclass.servers IN exclusive MODE WAIT 120; |
Lock Related Queries |
Active Table Locks |
SUBSTR(s.username,1,15) USERNAME,
SUBSTR(p.spid,1,10) SYSTEM_ID,
'RT','Redo Log Buffer',
'TS','Temp Segments',
'RW','Row Wait',
l.type) LOCK_TYPE
FROM gv a, gv p, gv s, gv l
WHERE s.sid = a.sid
AND s.paddr = p.addr
AND l.sid =
GROUP BY a.object, s.username,, l.type, p.spid
ORDER BY a.object, s.username; |
Active Locks |
SELECT s.username, s.sid, s.serial#, s.osuser, k.ctime, o.object_name
object, k.kaddr, DECODE(l.locked_mode,
1, 'No Lock',
2, 'Row Share',
3, 'Row Exclusive',
4, 'Shared Table',
5, 'Shared Row Exclusive',
6, 'Exclusive') locked_mode,
'BL','Buffer Cache Management (PCM lock)',
'CF','Controlfile Transaction',
'CI','Cross Instance Call',
'CU','Bind Enqueue',
'DF','Data File',
'DL','Direct Loader',
'DM','Database Mount',
'DR','Distributed Recovery',
'DX','Distributed Transaction',
'FS','File Set',
'IN','Instance Number',
'IR','Instance Recovery',
'IS','Instance State',
'IV','Library Cache Invalidation',
'JQ','Job Queue',
'KK','Redo Log Kick',
'LA','Library Cache Lock',
'LB','Library Cache Lock',
'LC','Library Cache Lock',
'LD','Library Cache Lock',
'LE','Library Cache Lock',
'LF','Library Cache Lock',
'LG','Library Cache Lock',
'LH','Library Cache Lock',
'LI','Library Cache Lock',
'LJ','Library Cache Lock',
'LK','Library Cache Lock',
'LL','Library Cache Lock',
'LM','Library Cache Lock',
'LN','Library Cache Lock',
'LO','Library Cache Lock',
'LP','Library Cache Lock',
'MM','Mount Definition',
'MR','Media Recovery',
'NA','Library Cache Pin',
'NB','Library Cache Pin',
'NC','Library Cache Pin',
'ND','Library Cache Pin',
'NE','Library Cache Pin',
'NF','Library Cache Pin',
'NG','Library Cache Pin',
'NH','Library Cache Pin',
'NI','Library Cache Pin',
'NJ','Library Cache Pin',
'NK','Library Cache Pin',
'NL','Library Cache Pin',
'NM','Library Cache Pin',
'NN','Library Cache Pin',
'NO','Library Cache Pin',
'NP','Library Cache Pin',
'NQ','Library Cache Pin',
'NR','Library Cache Pin',
'NS','Library Cache Pin',
'NT','Library Cache Pin',
'NU','Library Cache Pin',
'NV','Library Cache Pin',
'NW','Library Cache Pin',
'NX','Library Cache Pin',
'NY','Library Cache Pin',
'NZ','Library Cache Pin',
'PF','Password File',
'PI','Parallel Slaves',
'PR','Process Startup',
'PS','Parallel Slave Synchronization',
'QA','Row Cache Lock',
'QB','Row Cache Lock',
'QC','Row Cache Lock',
'QD','Row Cache Lock',
'QE','Row Cache Lock',
'QF','Row Cache Lock',
'QG','Row Cache Lock',
'QH','Row Cache Lock',
'QI','Row Cache Lock',
'QJ','Row Cache Lock',
'QK','Row Cache Lock',
'QL','Row Cache Lock',
'QM','Row Cache Lock',
'QN','Row Cache Lock',
'QO','Row Cache Lock',
'QP','Row Cache Lock',
'QQ','Row Cache Lock',
'QR','Row Cache Lock',
'QS','Row Cache Lock',
'QT','Row Cache Lock',
'QU','Row Cache Lock',
'QV','Row Cache Lock',
'QW','Row Cache Lock',
'QX','Row Cache Lock',
'QY','Row Cache Lock',
'QZ','Row Cache Lock',
'RT','Redo Thread',
'SC','System Commit number',
'SM','SMON synchronization',
'SN','Sequence Number',
'SQ','Sequence Enqueue',
'SR','Synchronous Replication',
'SS','Sort Segment',
'ST','Space Management Transaction',
'SV','Sequence Number Value',
'TA','Transaction Recovery',
'TM','DML Enqueue',
'TS','Table Space (or Temporary Segment)',
'TT','Temporary Table',
'UL','User-defined Locks',
'UN','User Name',
'US','Undo segment Serialization',
'WL','Writing redo Log',
'XA','Instance Attribute Lock',
'XI','Instance Registration Lock') type
FROM gv s, sys.gv c, sys.gv l,
dba_objects o, sys.gv k, gv v
WHERE o.object_id = l.object_id
AND l.session_id = s.sid
AND k.sid = s.sid
AND s.saddr = c.saddr
AND k.kaddr = c.kaddr
AND k.kaddr = v.kaddr
AND v.saddr = s.saddr
AND k.lmode = l.locked_mode
AND k.lmode = c.lmode
AND k.request = c.request
ORDER BY object; |
List Locks |
set wrap off
col lock_type format a12
col mode_held format a10
col mode_requested format a10
col blocking_others format a20
col username format a10
SELECT session_id,lock_type, mode_held, mode_requested, blocking_others, lock_id1
FROM dba_lock l
WHERE lock_type NOT IN ('Media Recovery', 'Redo Thread'); |
Locked Objects |
SELECT oracle_username USERNAME, owner OBJECT_OWNER,
object_name, object_type, s.osuser,
0, 'Not Blocking',
1, 'Blocking',
2, 'Global') STATUS,
0, 'None',
1, 'Null',
2, 'Row-S (SS)',
3, 'Row-X (SX)',
4, 'Share',
5, 'S/Row-X (SSX)',
6, 'Exclusive', TO_CHAR(lmode)
FROM gv v, dba_objects d,
gv l, gv s
WHERE v.object_id = d.object_id
AND (v.object_id = l.id1)
and v.session_id = s.sid
ORDER BY oracle_username, session_id; |
Locked Objects |
SELECT o.owner, o.object_name, o.object_type, o.last_ddl_time, o.status, l.session_id, l.oracle_username, l.locked_mode
FROM dba_objects o, gv l
WHERE o.object_id = l.object_id; |
Locked Objects |
SELECT DECODE(request,0,'Holder: ','Waiter:') || sid sess, id1, id2, lmode, request, type
WHERE (id1, id2, type) IN (
SELECT id1, id2, type FROM gv WHERE request>0)
ORDER BY id1, request; |
Objects that have been lock for 2 minutes or more |
SELECT SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(w.session_id),1,5) WSID, p1.spid WPID,
SUBSTR(s1.username,1,12) "WAITING User",
SUBSTR(s1.osuser,1,8) "OS User",
SUBSTR(s1.program,1,20) "WAITING Program",
s1.client_info "WAITING Client",
SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(h.session_id),1,5) HSID, p2.spid HPID,
SUBSTR(s2.username,1,12) "HOLDING User",
SUBSTR(s2.osuser,1,8) "OS User",
SUBSTR(s2.program,1,20) "HOLDING Program",
s2.client_info "HOLDING Client",
o.object_name "HOLDING Object"
FROM gv p1, gv p2, gv s1,
gv s2, dba_locks w, dba_locks h, dba_objects o
WHERE w.last_convert > 120
AND h.mode_held != 'None'
AND h.mode_held != 'Null'
AND w.mode_requested != 'None'
AND s1.row_wait_obj# = o.object_id
AND w.lock_type(+) = h.lock_type
AND w.lock_id1(+) = h.lock_id1
AND w.lock_id2 (+) = h.lock_id2
AND w.session_id = s1.sid (+)
AND h.session_id = s2.sid (+)
AND s1.paddr = p1.addr (+)
AND s2.paddr = p2.addr (+)
ORDER BY w.last_convert desc; |