
shmmax核心引數定義單個共享記憶體段的最大值,如果該引數設定小於Oracle SGA設定,那麼SGA就會被分配多個共享記憶體段。這在繁忙的系統中可能成為效能負擔,帶來系統問題。

[root@neirong root]# more /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax

[root@neirong root]# ipcs -sa

------ Shared Memory Segments --------
key        shmid      owner      perms      bytes      nattch     status      
0x00000000 884736     oracle    640        4194304    14                      
0x00000000 917505     oracle    640        33554432   14                      
0x00000000 950274     oracle    640        33554432   14                      
0x00000000 983043     oracle    640        33554432   14                      
0x00000000 1015812    oracle    640        33554432   14                      
0x00000000 1048581    oracle    640        33554432   14                      
0x00000000 1081350    oracle    640        33554432   14                      
0x00000000 1114119    oracle    640        33554432   14                      
0x00000000 1146888    oracle    640        33554432   14                      
0x00000000 1179657    oracle    640        33554432   14                      
0x00000000 1212426    oracle    640        33554432   14                      
0x00000000 1245195    oracle    640        33554432   14                      
0x00000000 1277964    oracle    640        33554432   14                      
0x00000000 1310733    oracle    640        33554432   14                      
0x00000000 1343502    oracle    640        33554432   14                      
0x00000000 1376271    oracle    640        33554432   14                      
0x00000000 1409040    oracle    640        33554432   14                      
0x00000000 1441809    oracle    640        33554432   14                      
0x00000000 1474578    oracle    640        33554432   14                      
0x00000000 1507347    oracle    640        33554432   14                      
0x00000000 1540116    oracle    640        33554432   14                      
0x00000000 1572885    oracle    640        33554432   14                      
0x00000000 1605654    oracle    640        33554432   14                      
0x00000000 1638423    oracle    640        33554432   14                      
0x00000000 1671192    oracle    640        33554432   14                      
0x00000000 1703961    oracle    640        33554432   14                      
0x7a9c9900 1736730    oracle    640        4194304    56                      

------ Semaphore Arrays --------
key        semid      owner      perms      nsems     
0xfcf02e10 229376     oracle    640        154       

------ Message Queues --------
key        msqid      owner      perms      used-bytes   messages    

[root@neirong root]# ps -ef|grep 3102
oracle    3102     1  0 09:27 ?        00:00:26 ora_dbw0_hsmkt
root      3447  3397  0 10:39 pts/4    00:00:00 grep 3102

[root@neirong root]# pmap 3102
08048000 (37308 KB)    r-xp (68:06 1525072)  /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/bin/oracle
0a4b7000 (8804 KB)     rw-p (68:06 1525072)  /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/bin/oracle
0ad50000 (380 KB)      rw-p (00:00 0)        
50000000 (4096 KB)     rw-s (00:04 884736)   /SYSV00000000
51000000 (32768 KB)    rw-s (00:04 917505)   /SYSV00000000
53000000 (32768 KB)    rw-s (00:04 950274)   /SYSV00000000
55000000 (32768 KB)    rw-s (00:04 983043)   /SYSV00000000
57000000 (32768 KB)    rw-s (00:04 1015812)  /SYSV00000000
59000000 (32768 KB)    rw-s (00:04 1048581)  /SYSV00000000
5b000000 (32768 KB)    rw-s (00:04 1081350)  /SYSV00000000
5d000000 (32768 KB)    rw-s (00:04 1114119)  /SYSV00000000
5f000000 (32768 KB)    rw-s (00:04 1146888)  /SYSV00000000
61000000 (32768 KB)    rw-s (00:04 1179657)  /SYSV00000000
63000000 (32768 KB)    rw-s (00:04 1212426)  /SYSV00000000
65000000 (32768 KB)    rw-s (00:04 1245195)  /SYSV00000000
67000000 (32768 KB)    rw-s (00:04 1277964)  /SYSV00000000
69000000 (32768 KB)    rw-s (00:04 1310733)  /SYSV00000000
6b000000 (32768 KB)    rw-s (00:04 1343502)  /SYSV00000000
6d000000 (32768 KB)    rw-s (00:04 1376271)  /SYSV00000000
6f000000 (32768 KB)    rw-s (00:04 1409040)  /SYSV00000000
71000000 (32768 KB)    rw-s (00:04 1441809)  /SYSV00000000
73000000 (32768 KB)    rw-s (00:04 1474578)  /SYSV00000000
75000000 (32768 KB)    rw-s (00:04 1507347)  /SYSV00000000
77000000 (32768 KB)    rw-s (00:04 1540116)  /SYSV00000000
79000000 (32768 KB)    rw-s (00:04 1572885)  /SYSV00000000
7b000000 (32768 KB)    rw-s (00:04 1605654)  /SYSV00000000
7d000000 (32768 KB)    rw-s (00:04 1638423)  /SYSV00000000
7f000000 (32768 KB)    rw-s (00:04 1671192)  /SYSV00000000
81000000 (32768 KB)    rw-s (00:04 1703961)  /SYSV00000000
83000000 (4 KB)        r--s (00:04 1736730)  /SYSV7a9c9900
83001000 (644 KB)      rw-s (00:04 1736730)  /SYSV7a9c9900
830a2000 (4 KB)        r--s (00:04 1736730)  /SYSV7a9c9900
830a3000 (3444 KB)     rw-s (00:04 1736730)  /SYSV7a9c9900
b6ec2000 (44 KB)       r-xp (68:03 32811)    /lib/
b6ecd000 (4 KB)        rw-p (68:03 32811)    /lib/
b6ece000 (512 KB)      rw-p (68:03 40360)    /dev/zero
b6f4e000 (1140 KB)     rw-p (00:00 0)        
b706b000 (1224 KB)     r-xp (68:03 114692)   /lib/tls/
b719d000 (12 KB)       rw-p (68:03 114692)   /lib/tls/
b71a0000 (12 KB)       rw-p (00:00 0)        
b71a3000 (72 KB)       r-xp (68:03 32795)    /lib/
b71b5000 (4 KB)        rw-p (68:03 32795)    /lib/
b71b6000 (8 KB)        rw-p (00:00 0)        
b71b8000 (52 KB)       r-xp (68:03 114696)   /lib/tls/
b71c5000 (4 KB)        rw-p (68:03 114696)   /lib/tls/
b71c6000 (8 KB)        rw-p (00:00 0)        
b71c8000 (132 KB)      r-xp (68:03 114694)   /lib/tls/
b71e9000 (4 KB)        rw-p (68:03 114694)   /lib/tls/
b71ea000 (8 KB)        r-xp (68:03 32791)    /lib/
b71ec000 (4 KB)        rw-p (68:03 32791)    /lib/
b71ed000 (2940 KB)     r-xp (68:06 491677)   /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/lib/
b74cc000 (1088 KB)     rw-p (68:06 491677)   /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/lib/
b75dc000 (12 KB)       rw-p (00:00 0)        
b75df000 (4 KB)        r-xp (68:06 491685)   /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/lib/
b75e0000 (8 KB)        rw-p (68:06 491685)   /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/lib/
b75e2000 (4 KB)        r-xp (68:06 491567)   /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/lib/
b75e3000 (4 KB)        ---p (68:06 491567)   /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/lib/
b75e4000 (4 KB)        rw-p (68:06 491567)   /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/lib/
b75e5000 (4 KB)        r-xp (68:06 491688)   /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/lib/
b75e6000 (4 KB)        rw-p (68:06 491688)   /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/lib/
b75e7000 (4 KB)        r-xp (68:03 101245)   /etc/
b75e8000 (4 KB)        rw-p (68:03 101245)   /etc/
b75ea000 (4 KB)        rw-p (00:00 0)        
b75eb000 (84 KB)       r-xp (68:03 32778)    /lib/
b7600000 (4 KB)        rw-p (68:03 32778)    /lib/
bfff8000 (32 KB)       rwxp (00:00 0)        
mapped: 881332 KB       writable/private: 12056 KB      shared: 827392 KB

[root@neirong root]# echo 1073741824 > /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax
[root@neirong root]# more /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax

對於shmmax檔案的修改,系統重新啟動後會復位。可以透過修改 /etc/sysctl.conf 使更改永久化。
kernel.shmmax = 1073741824
SQL> shutdown immediate;
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL> !
[oracle@neirong oracle]$ ipcs -sa

------ Shared Memory Segments --------
key        shmid      owner      perms      bytes      nattch     status      

------ Semaphore Arrays --------
key        semid      owner      perms      nsems     

------ Message Queues --------
key        msqid      owner      perms      used-bytes   messages    

[oracle@neirong oracle]$ exit

SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area  839980852 bytes
Fixed Size                   452404 bytes
Variable Size             201326592 bytes
Database Buffers          637534208 bytes
Redo Buffers                 667648 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
SQL> ! ipcs -sa

------ Shared Memory Segments --------
key        shmid      owner      perms      bytes      nattch     status      
0x7a9c9900 1769472    oracle    640        859832320  35                      

------ Semaphore Arrays --------
key        semid      owner      perms      nsems     
0xfcf02e10 360448     oracle    640        154       

------ Message Queues --------
key        msqid      owner      perms      used-bytes   messages    

[oracle@neirong bdump]$ pmap 4178
08048000 (37308 KB)    r-xp (68:06 1525072)  /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/bin/oracle
0a4b7000 (8804 KB)     rw-p (68:06 1525072)  /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/bin/oracle
0ad50000 (3320 KB)     rw-p (00:00 0)        
50000000 (835584 KB)   rw-s (00:04 1835008)  /SYSV7a9c9900
83000000 (4 KB)        r--s (00:04 1835008)  /SYSV7a9c9900
83001000 (644 KB)      rw-s (00:04 1835008)  /SYSV7a9c9900
830a2000 (4 KB)        r--s (00:04 1835008)  /SYSV7a9c9900
830a3000 (3444 KB)     rw-s (00:04 1835008)  /SYSV7a9c9900
b6bb7000 (4112 KB)     rw-p (00:00 0)        
b6fbb000 (44 KB)       r-xp (68:03 32811)    /lib/
b6fc6000 (4 KB)        rw-p (68:03 32811)    /lib/
b6fc7000 (512 KB)      rw-p (68:03 40360)    /dev/zero
b7047000 (144 KB)      rw-p (00:00 0)        
b706b000 (1224 KB)     r-xp (68:03 114692)   /lib/tls/
b719d000 (12 KB)       rw-p (68:03 114692)   /lib/tls/
b71a0000 (12 KB)       rw-p (00:00 0)        
b71a3000 (72 KB)       r-xp (68:03 32795)    /lib/
b71b5000 (4 KB)        rw-p (68:03 32795)    /lib/
b71b6000 (8 KB)        rw-p (00:00 0)        
b71b8000 (52 KB)       r-xp (68:03 114696)   /lib/tls/
b71c5000 (4 KB)        rw-p (68:03 114696)   /lib/tls/
b71c6000 (8 KB)        rw-p (00:00 0)        
b71c8000 (132 KB)      r-xp (68:03 114694)   /lib/tls/
b71e9000 (4 KB)        rw-p (68:03 114694)   /lib/tls/
b71ea000 (8 KB)        r-xp (68:03 32791)    /lib/
b71ec000 (4 KB)        rw-p (68:03 32791)    /lib/
b71ed000 (2940 KB)     r-xp (68:06 491677)   /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/lib/
b74cc000 (1088 KB)     rw-p (68:06 491677)   /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/lib/
b75dc000 (12 KB)       rw-p (00:00 0)        
b75df000 (4 KB)        r-xp (68:06 491685)   /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/lib/
b75e0000 (8 KB)        rw-p (68:06 491685)   /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/lib/
b75e2000 (4 KB)        r-xp (68:06 491567)   /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/lib/
b75e3000 (4 KB)        ---p (68:06 491567)   /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/lib/
b75e4000 (4 KB)        rw-p (68:06 491567)   /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/lib/
b75e5000 (4 KB)        r-xp (68:06 491688)   /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/lib/
b75e6000 (4 KB)        rw-p (68:06 491688)   /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/lib/
b75e7000 (4 KB)        r-xp (68:03 101245)   /etc/
b75e8000 (4 KB)        rw-p (68:03 101245)   /etc/
b75ea000 (4 KB)        rw-p (00:00 0)        
b75eb000 (84 KB)       r-xp (68:03 32778)    /lib/
b7600000 (4 KB)        rw-p (68:03 32778)    /lib/
bfffc000 (16 KB)       rwxp (00:00 0)        
mapped: 899660 KB       writable/private: 18096 KB      shared: 839680 KB

Starting ORACLE instance (normal)
Thu Nov 17 09:27:29 2005
WARNING: EINVAL creating segment of size 0x0000000033400000
fix shm parameters in /etc/system or equivalent

注:轉 大師的文章。


2014.5.16 11:08
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