IBM WAS Service--Could not determine the process id of the javaprocess.


環境: Windows Server 2003 , InfoSphere Warehouse 9.7

       不知怎麼回事無法啟動WebSphere Application Server, 檢視事件檢視器發現提示"Could not determine the process id of the java process. Changing the IBMWAS6Service - kNode01 service status to the "stopped" state. To prevent this error, try recreating this service with the -logRoot parameter. The value of the logRoot parameter should be the directory in which the server's .pid file is created."  在網上檢視好幾種解決方法,最後刪除C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Local Settings\Application Data\javasharedresources檔案才可以正常啟動。 估計是上次非正常關機時Java 共享資源被破壞了。

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