- Copyright (C) 2007-2008 MySQL AB, 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- $%ENDLICENSE%$ --]]
- --[[
- --]]
- ---
- -- a flexible statement based load balancer with connection pooling
- --
- -- * build a connection pool of min_idle_connections for each backend and
- -- maintain its size
- -- * reusing a server-side connection when it is idling
- --
- --- config
- --
- -- connection pool
- local min_idle_connections = 4
- local max_idle_connections = 8
- -- debug
- local is_debug = true
- --- end of config
- ---
- -- read/write splitting sends all non-transactional SELECTs to the slaves
- --
- -- is_in_transaction tracks the state of the transactions
- local is_in_transaction = 0
- ---
- -- get a connection to a backend
- --
- -- as long as we don't have enough connections in the pool, create new connections
- --
- function connect_server()
- -- make sure that we connect to each backend at least ones to
- -- keep the connections to the servers alive
- --
- -- on read_query we can switch the backends again to another backend
- if is_debug then
- print()
- print("[connect_server] ")
- end
- local least_idle_conns_ndx = 0
- local least_idle_conns = 0
- for i = 1, #proxy.global.backends do
- local s = proxy.global.backends[i]
- local pool = s.pool
- -- we don't have a username yet, try to find a connections which is idling
- local cur_idle = pool.users[""].cur_idle_connections
- if cur_idle == nil then
- cur_idle = 0
- end
- if is_debug then
- print(" [".. i .."].connected_clients = " .. s.connected_clients)
- print(" [".. i .."].idling_connections = " .. cur_idle)
- print(" [".. i .."].type = " .. s.type)
- print(" [".. i .."].state = " .. s.state)
- end
- if s.state ~= proxy.BACKEND_STATE_DOWN then
- -- try to connect to each backend once at least
- if cur_idle == 0 then
- proxy.connection.backend_ndx = i
- if is_debug then
- print(" [".. i .."] open new connection")
- end
- return
- end
- -- try to open at least min_idle_connections
- if least_idle_conns_ndx == 0 or
- ( cur_idle
- cur_idle
- least_idle_conns_ndx = i
- least_idle_conns = s.idling_connections
- if least_idle_conns == nil then
- least_idle_conns = 0
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if least_idle_conns_ndx > 0 then
- proxy.connection.backend_ndx = least_idle_conns_ndx
- end
- if proxy.connection.backend_ndx > 0 then
- local s = proxy.global.backends[proxy.connection.backend_ndx]
- local pool = s.pool -- we don't have a username yet, try to find a connections which is idling
- local cur_idle = pool.users[""].cur_idle_connections
- if cur_idle >= min_idle_connections then
- -- we have 4 idling connections in the pool, that's good enough
- if is_debug then
- print(" using pooled connection from: " .. proxy.connection.backend_ndx)
- end
- return proxy.PROXY_IGNORE_RESULT
- end
- end
- if is_debug then
- print(" opening new connection on: " .. proxy.connection.backend_ndx)
- end
- -- open a new connection
- end
- ---
- -- put the successfully authed connection into the connection pool
- --
- -- @param auth the context information for the auth
- --
- -- auth.packet is the packet
- function read_auth_result( auth )
- if auth.packet:byte() == proxy.MYSQLD_PACKET_OK then
- -- auth was fine, disconnect from the server
- proxy.connection.backend_ndx = 0
- elseif auth.packet:byte() == proxy.MYSQLD_PACKET_EOF then
- -- we received either a
- --
- -- * MYSQLD_PACKET_ERR and the auth failed or
- -- * MYSQLD_PACKET_EOF which means a OLD PASSWORD (4.0) was sent
- print("(read_auth_result) ... not ok yet");
- elseif auth.packet:byte() == proxy.MYSQLD_PACKET_ERR then
- -- auth failed
- end
- end
- ---
- -- read/write splitting
- function read_query( packet )
- if is_debug then
- print("[read_query]")
- print(" authed backend = " .. proxy.connection.backend_ndx)
- print(" used db = " .. proxy.connection.client.default_db)
- end
- if packet:byte() == proxy.COM_QUIT then
- -- don't send COM_QUIT to the backend. We manage the connection
- -- in all aspects.
- proxy.response = {
- type = proxy.MYSQLD_PACKET_OK,
- }
- if is_in_transaction then
- print(" transaction on, rollback now")
- proxy.queries.append(1, string:char(proxy.COM_QUERY) .. "ROLLBACK", { resultset_is_needed = false})
- end
- return proxy.PROXY_SEND_RESULT
- end
- if proxy.connection.backend_ndx == 0 then
- if is_debug then
- print(" no connection, select now")
- end
- is_master = true
- if packet:byte() == proxy.COM_QUERY then
- command = packet:sub(2, 7)
- print(" command:" .. command)
- if string.lower(command) == "select" then
- print(" session not in transaction, select go to slave")
- is_master = false
- end
- end
- -- we don't have a backend right now
- --
- -- let's pick a master as a good default
- for i = 1, #proxy.global.backends do
- local s = proxy.global.backends[i]
- local pool = s.pool
- -- we don't have a username yet, try to find a connections which is idling
- local cur_idle = pool.users[proxy.connection.client.username].cur_idle_connections
- if cur_idle > 0 and s.state ~= proxy.BACKEND_STATE_DOWN then
- if s.type == proxy.BACKEND_TYPE_RW and is_master == true then
- proxy.connection.backend_ndx = i
- break
- elseif s.type == proxy.BACKEND_TYPE_RO and is_master == false then
- proxy.connection.backend_ndx = i
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if is_debug then
- print(" connection:" .. proxy.connection.backend_ndx)
- end
- if true or proxy.connection.client.default_db and
- proxy.connection.client.default_db ~= proxy.connection.server.default_db then
- -- sync the client-side default_db with the server-side default_db
- proxy.queries:append(2, string.char(proxy.COM_INIT_DB) .. proxy.connection.client.default_db,
- { resultset_is_needed = true })
- end
- proxy.queries:append(1, packet, { resultset_is_needed = true })
- return proxy.PROXY_SEND_QUERY
- end
- ---
- -- as long as we are in a transaction keep the connection
- -- otherwise release it so another client can use it
- function read_query_result( inj )
- local res = assert(inj.resultset)
- local flags = res.flags
- if inj.id ~= 1 then
-- ignore the result of the USE
- return proxy.PROXY_IGNORE_RESULT
- end
- is_in_transaction = flags.in_trans
- if not is_in_transaction then
- -- release the backend
- proxy.connection.backend_ndx = 0
- end
- end
- ---
- -- close the connections if we have enough connections in the pool
- --
- -- @return nil - close connection
- -- IGNORE_RESULT - store connection in the pool
- function disconnect_client()
- if is_debug then
- print("[disconnect_client]")
- end
- if proxy.connection.backend_ndx == 0 then
- -- currently we don't have a server backend assigned
- --
- -- pick a server which has too many idling connections and close one
- for i = 1, #proxy.global.backends do
- local s = proxy.global.backends[i]
- local pool = s.pool
- -- we don't have a username yet, try to find a connections which is idling
- local cur_idle = pool.users[proxy.connection.client.username].cur_idle_connections
- if s.state ~= proxy.BACKEND_STATE_DOWN and
- cur_idle > max_idle_connections then
- -- try to disconnect a backend
- proxy.connection.backend_ndx = i
- if is_debug then
- print(" [".. i .."] closing connection, idling: " .. cur_idle)
- end
- return
- end
- end
- end
- end
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