Oracle 12C 新特性之 db預設字符集AL32UTF8、PDB支援不同字符集

一、 db預設字符集AL32UTF8
Specify the database character set when you create the database. Starting from Oracle Database 12c Release 2, if you use Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) or Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) to create a database, then the default database character set used is the Unicode character set AL32UTF8.


二、  PDB支援不同字符集

Per-PDB Character Set的有幾個前提條件:
1) CDB must be AL32UTF8
2) Application Container requires single character set
3) National character set also supported per PDB
4) Truncation of data can occur in cross-container queries if data conversion to UNICODE causes expansion

從12.2起引入新特性同一CDB中每個PDB可以使用不同的字符集,前提CDB是AL32UTF8。 如CDB是AL32UTF8,其中的PDB1為ZHS16GBK , 從其它CDB plug-in一個其他字符集的PDB也是允許的,在plug-in PDB過程中並不會轉換字符集。

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
