我的方法是利用rman的copy命令,所以必須得在歸檔方式下進行, 以下為具體實施步驟:
list datafilecopy all;
crosscheck copy;
delete expired copy;
col name for a60
select file#,name,status,bytes/1024/1024 sizeMB from v$datafile;
(對於UNDO資料檔案,要注意offline undo datafiles 需要在兩個節點分別進行,並且最好在sqlplus環境下一步一步執行,因為offline和recover的時候會報錯,這時退出重進就好了)
sql "alter database datafile 5 offline";
copy datafile 5 to '+DATA2/';
switch datafile 5 to copy;
recover datafile 5;
sql "alter database datafile 5 online";
delete noprompt datafilecopy '+DATA/tcendba/datafile/undotbs2.355.855996443';
shutdown immediate;
startup mount;
copy datafile 2 to '+DATA2/';
switch datafile 2 to copy;
recover database;
sql "alter database open";
delete datafilecopy '+DATA/bwc/datafile/sysaux.2430.886960935';
backup as copy tablespace system format '+DATA2/';
backup as copy tablespace sysaux format '+DATA2/';
shutdown immediate;
startup mount;
switch tablespace system to copy;
switch tablespace sysaux to copy;
recover database;
sql "alter database open";
delete noprompt datafilecopy '+DATA/tcendba/datafile/system.336.855996319';
delete noprompt datafilecopy '+DATA/tcendba/datafile/sysaux.344.855996319';
select file_id,file_name,tablespace_name,bytes/1024/1024 sizeMB,status from dba_temp_files;
alter tablespace temp add tempfile '+DATA2/' size 32000m; autoextend on maxsize 2g;
alter database tempfile '+DATA/tcendbd/tempfile/temp.470.856022841' offline;
alter tablespace temp drop tempfile '+DATA/tcendba/tempfile/temp.356.855996395';
我的方法是利用rman的copy命令,所以必須得在歸檔方式下進行, 以下為具體實施步驟:
list datafilecopy all;
crosscheck copy;
delete expired copy;
col name for a60
select file#,name,status,bytes/1024/1024 sizeMB from v$datafile;
(對於UNDO資料檔案,要注意offline undo datafiles 需要在兩個節點分別進行,並且最好在sqlplus環境下一步一步執行,因為offline和recover的時候會報錯,這時退出重進就好了)
sql "alter database datafile 5 offline";
copy datafile 5 to '+DATA2/';
switch datafile 5 to copy;
recover datafile 5;
sql "alter database datafile 5 online";
delete noprompt datafilecopy '+DATA/tcendba/datafile/undotbs2.355.855996443';
shutdown immediate;
startup mount;
copy datafile 2 to '+DATA2/';
switch datafile 2 to copy;
recover database;
sql "alter database open";
delete datafilecopy '+DATA/bwc/datafile/sysaux.2430.886960935';
backup as copy tablespace system format '+DATA2/';
backup as copy tablespace sysaux format '+DATA2/';
shutdown immediate;
startup mount;
switch tablespace system to copy;
switch tablespace sysaux to copy;
recover database;
sql "alter database open";
delete noprompt datafilecopy '+DATA/tcendba/datafile/system.336.855996319';
delete noprompt datafilecopy '+DATA/tcendba/datafile/sysaux.344.855996319';
select file_id,file_name,tablespace_name,bytes/1024/1024 sizeMB,status from dba_temp_files;
alter tablespace temp add tempfile '+DATA2/' size 32000m; autoextend on maxsize 2g;
alter database tempfile '+DATA/tcendbd/tempfile/temp.470.856022841' offline;
alter tablespace temp drop tempfile '+DATA/tcendba/tempfile/temp.356.855996395';
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
- 資料檔案遷移至其他磁碟組
- oracle之 RAC本地資料檔案遷移至ASMOracleASM
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- 【原創】資料庫從檔案系統轉移至ASM實驗記錄資料庫ASM
- 在ASM磁碟組之間移動檔案ASM
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- 資料庫從檔案系統遷移到ASM資料庫ASM
- 利用rman將本地資料檔案遷移到asmASM
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- 資料庫遷移至+ASM中資料庫
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