<?php class InsecureExampleOne { protected $db; protected $key; public function __construct(PDO $db, string $key = ``) { $this->db = $db; $this->key = $key; } public function searchByValue(string $query): array { $stmt = $this->db->prepare(`SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = ?`); $stmt->execute([ $this->insecureEncryptDoNotUse($query) ]); return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } protected function insecureEncryptDoNotUse(string $plaintext): string { return bin2hex( openssl_encrypt( $plaintext, `aes-128-ecb`, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING ) ); } }
CREATE TABLE humans ( humanid BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, first_name TEXT, last_name TEXT, ssn TEXT, /* encrypted */ ssn_bidx TEXT /* blind index */ ); CREATE INDEX ON humans (ssn_bidx);
<?php /* This is not production-quality code. * It`s optimized for readability and understanding, not security. */ function encryptSSN(string $ssn, string $key): string { $nonce = random_bytes(24); $ciphertext = sodium_crypto_secretbox($ssn, $nonce, $key); return bin2hex($nonce . $ciphertext); } function decryptSSN(string $ciphertext, string $key): string { $decoded = hex2bin($ciphertext); $nonce = mb_substr($decoded, 0, 24, `8bit`); $cipher = mb_substr($decoded, 24, null, `8bit`); return sodium_crypto_secretbox_open($cipher, $nonce, $key); } function getSSNBlindIndex(string $ssn, string $indexKey): string { return bin2hex( sodium_crypto_pwhash( 32, $ssn, $indexKey, SODIUM_CRYPTO_PWHASH_OPSLIMIT_MODERATE, SODIUM_CRYPTO_PWHASH_MEMLIMIT_MODERATE ) ); } function findHumanBySSN(PDO $db, string $ssn, string $indexKey): array { $index = getSSNBlindIndex($ssn, $indexKey); $stmt = $db->prepare(`SELECT * FROM humans WHERE ssn_bidx = ?`); $stmt->execute([$index]); return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); }
是否真的可以安全使用,還是說可能仍然會洩漏資料,就像濾網一樣? 它的用途有什麼侷限性?(這一個其實已經回答了。)
CREATE TABLE humans ( humanid BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, first_name TEXT, /* encrypted */ last_name TEXT, /* encrypted */ ssn TEXT, /* encrypted */ ); CREATE TABLE humans_filters ( filterid BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, humanid BIGINT REFERENCES humans (humanid), filter_label TEXT, filter_value TEXT ); /* Creates an index on the pair. If your SQL expert overrules this, feel free to omit it. */ CREATE INDEX ON humans_filters (filter_label, filter_value);
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