Oracle11g Data Guard -- ORA-16047 , ORA-16057 ,ORA-01031


PING[ARC0]: Heartbeat failed to connect to standby 'aux'. Error is 1031.
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
原因:       檢查sys密碼是否正確,大部分是這個原因。

ORA-16057: DGID from server not in Data Guard configuration
原因:        主庫沒有設定引數log_archive_config    

ORA-16047: DGID mismatch between destination setting and target database 
PING[ARC2]: Heartbeat failed to connect to standby 'standby'. Error is 16047.

原因:        11g 中主備庫中都需要設定 log_archive_config    ,或者都不設定 (具體原因待查) 



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