Oracle軟體安裝 - 什麼情況下需要relink all



同一種os 但是大版本有差異,比如 linux  redhat  AS2.1 和  AS3  ,雖然直接複製也可能可以用,但還是建議重新link一下。 

To relink Oracle executables:
1. Verify whether ORACLE_HOME is correctly set.
2. Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include
3. Execute the appropriate relink command:
– relink all (relinks all Oracle executables)
– relink oracle (relinks the database executables)
– relink network (relinks listener, cman, names)
– relink oemagent (relinks the Intelligent Agent)
– relink utilities (relinks sqlplus, imp, exp)
– relink ctx (relinks Oracle Text)

Using the Oracle Relink Utility
Oracle Corporation does not distribute complete executables. Instead, it distributes
individual object files, library archives of object files, and some source files which then get
“linked” at the operating system level during installation to create usable executables. This
guarantees a reliable integration with functions provided by the OS system libraries. If the
OS or Oracle object files change, then Oracle executables should be “relinked” to create
updated executables that are properly integrated with the operating system.
Relinking occurs automatically when a patch set is installed, but must be performed
manually when:
• An OS upgrade has occurred
• A change has been made to the OS system libraries. This can occur during the
application of an OS patch.
• A new install failed during the relinking phase
• An individual Oracle patch has been applied (explicit relink instructions are usually
included in README or integrated into the patch install script)
To relink, you may use the relink utility as shown in the slide, or manually relink with the
make command. Unlike OPatch, the relink utility does not return positive feedback. Unless
you receive an error message, the relink succeeded.


來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
